引用本文:李林,王树利. 降低催化裂化汽油烯烃含量的技术措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 34-37, 42.
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为实现国Ⅵ汽油质量升级,分析了国ⅥA标准汽油生产中存在的问题,其主要原因为催化汽油烯烃含量高,影响国ⅥA标准汽油的调和。通过优化重催装置操作条件、应用新型降烯烃催化剂、优化汽油加氢装置操作条件、优化汽油醚化装置剩余碳五加工等技术措施,两套重催装置汽油烯烃体积分数由>35%降至30%左右,汽油加氢装置汽油烯烃体积分数由24.7%降至18.9%,汽油的半成品罐汽油中烯烃体积分数由25.7%降低至21.5%,满足了国ⅥA标准汽油的调和需要,实现了国Ⅵ汽油的质量升级。 
关键词:  催化裂化汽油  烯烃  操作优化  降烯烃催化剂  国ⅥA标准  质量升级
Technical measures to reduce olefin content in FCC gasoline
Li Lin, Wang Shuli
Oil Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
In order to realize the quality upgrading of national Ⅵ gasoline, the problems existing in the production of national ⅥA standard gasoline were analyzed. The main reason was that the high olefin content of catalytic gasoline affected the blending of national ⅥA standard gasoline. Through the optimization of operation conditions in heavy oil catalytic cracking unit, the application of new olefin reducing catalyst, the optimization of operation conditions in gasoline hydrogenation unit and optimum processing of residual C5 in gasoline etherification unit, the olefin content in gasoline of two heavy oil catalytic cracking units decreased from more than 35% to about 30%, the olefin content in gasoline of gasoline hydrogenation unit decreased from 24.7% to 18.9%, and the olefin content in gasoline of gasoline semi-finished tank decreased from 25.7% to 21.5%, which met the blending needs of national standard ⅥA gasoline and realized the quality upgrading of national Ⅵ gasoline.
Key words:  FCC gasoline  olefin  operation optimization  olefin-reducing catalyst  national ⅥA standard  quality upgrading