引用本文:刘杨宇,康绍炜,崔广伟,郭晓军,石家烽. 炼油厂含硫酸性水罐涂层失效原因分析及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(4): 117-121.
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为了减少H2S对酸性水罐内壁腐蚀的影响,有必要弄清相关腐蚀机理,识别导致腐蚀严重的各种条件。对现场腐蚀情况进行分析,得出水罐罐壁的开裂属于氢鼓泡和氢致开裂。模拟现场工况使用环境,对使用了不同涂层结构的样品进行测试,以寻找减少H2S对酸性水罐腐蚀的涂层结构。通过实验得出,改性环氧玻璃鳞片涂料可以起到良好的防腐蚀效果。 
关键词:  水罐  H2S  腐蚀
Failure analysis and countermeasure for the coating of acidic water tank in refinery
Liu Yangyu1, Kang Shaowei1, Cui Guangwei2, Guo Xiaojun1, Shi Jiafeng1
1. CNPC Engineering Technology Research Company Limited, Tianjin, China;2. Tianjin Lianda Group Company Limited, Tianjin, China
In order to reduce the effect of hydrogen sulfide on the corrosion of the inner wall of acid water tank, it is necessary to understand the corrosion mechanism and identify the conditions leading to serious corrosion. In this paper, the corrosion of a tank was analyzed, which lead to the conclusion that the cracking of the tank wall could be attributed to hydrogen bubbling and hydrogen induced cracking. With the purpose of determining the coating structure to reduce the corrosion of hydrogen sulfide in acid water tank, the samples with different coating structures were tested under simulated working conditions. The experimental results showed that the modified epoxy glass flake coating could achieve good anticorrosion effect. Therefore, the modified epoxy glass flake coating has a good effect on preventing the corrosion of the inner wall of the acid water tank caused by hydrogen sulfide.
Key words:  water tank  hydrogen sulfide  corrosion