引用本文:罗召钱,李旭成,杜诚,余相君. 基于CPA状态方程的高压含硫天然气压缩因子计算方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 56-61.
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对于压力高于70 MPa的含H2S天然气,其分子之间间距缩小,极性H2S分子之间缔合作用增强,传统SRK、PR状态方程计算高压含硫天然气的压缩因子准确性有待进一步改进。基于压力3.72~97.58 MPa、H2S体积分数0%~70.03%的154组压缩因子修正CPA(Cubic-Plus-Association)状态方程中H2S与CH4、CO2分子间二元交互作用系数,综合评价SRK、PR、CPA状态方程对压缩因子的计算精度。结果 表明,对于中低压含硫天然气(p<35 MPa),采用PR方程精度最高,平均相对偏差为1.12%;对于高压及超高压含硫天然气(p>35 MPa),CPA方程精度最高,平均相对偏差为-1.46%。进一步采用法国ST抗硫高压PVT仪测试了4种含硫天然气在70~131 MPa条件下的138组压缩因子实测值,验证了采用CPA状态方程对于高压含硫天然气压缩因子的计算精度。 
关键词:  超高压  含硫天然气  压缩因子  状态方程  实验
Study on compressibility factor calculation method for ultra-high pressure and sulfur-containing gas by use of the CPA EoS
Luo Zhaoqian, Li Xucheng, Du Cheng, Yu Xiangjun
Northwestern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
For H2S-containing natural gas with pressures higher than 70 MPa, closer the distance between natural gas molecules is, stronger the association between H2S molecules becomes. At such conditions, the traditional SRK, PR equations of state are difficult to accurately calculate the gas compressibility factors. In this paper, a total of 154 experimental compressibility factor data with pressure from 3.72 MPa to 97.58 MPa and H2S contents from 0%-70.03% are used to improve the binary interaction parameters between H2S and CH4,CO2 molecules for CPA(Cubic-Plus-Association)EoS and to evaluate the compressibility factor calculation accuracy of SRK, PR and CPA EoSs. Results show that the PR EoS has the highest accuracy and the average relative deviation is 1.12% for medium and low pressure natural gas (p<35 MPa). The CPA equation has the highest accuracy with average relative of -1.46% for the high pressure and ultra-high pressure natural gas (p>35 MPa). Furthermore, the ST PVT cell is applied to measure a total of 138 compressibility factors for four H2S-containing gas samples with pressures from 70 MPa to 131 MPa. The experimental results are used to verify the SRK, PR and CPA EoSs. Results demonstrate that CPA EoS has the highest accuracy for calculation of compressibility factors of ultra-high pressure and H2S-containing gas.
Key words:  ultra-high pressure  H2S-containing gas  compressibility factor  equation of state  experiment