引用本文:尹洪超,薛志浩,向凤仙,张义. 基于化学计量的渤海原油组分检测方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(5): 101-106.
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原油中沥青质、胶质及蜡3种组分的含量是油田开发、生产与输送工艺设计及运行方案制定的重要基础数据,其传统标准检测方法一般存在周期长、精度低、溶剂有毒等问题,这将严重影响原油组分的检测效率、生产工艺与操作方案的合理性。为此,基于化学计量学原理,对300组渤海地区的原油样品进行实验,建立红外光谱与原油组分的多元校正模型,提出了通过检测原油红外光谱来预测原油组分的方法。通过多次重复性实验对比分析发现,该方法的平均相对误差、绝对误差及标准差分别为5.3%、5.1%、6.1%,重复性小于3%、再现性小于15%,优于标准检测方法,且该检测方法比标准方法耗时短、成本低、可靠性与检测效率高。 
关键词:  原油组分  检测  化学计量学  红外光谱
Method for detecting Bohai crude oil component based on stoichiometry
Yin Hongchao1, Xue Zhihao2, Xiang Fengxian1, Zhang Yi1
1. CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Limited, Tianjin, China;2. Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The content of asphaltene, resin and wax in crude oil is an important basic data for oilfield development, process design of crude oil production and transformation and operational planning. However, the shortcomings such as long cycle, low precision and some solvents with toxicity and harmfulness always exist in the traditional standard testing methods of the group compositions, which could have seriously effect on the testing efficiency of the group compositions and the reasonableness of production technics and operational plans. Therefore, based on the principle of chemometrics, 300 groups of crude oil samples from Bohai area were tested, a multivariate calibration model was established by infrared spectroscopy and asphaltene, resin and wax content in crude oil. The model can predict the group content of asphaltene, resin and wax in the crude oil through detecting its infrared spectrumis and the contrastive repeated experiments. It is found that the average relative error, average absolute relative error and standard deviation of the method are 5.3%, 5.1% and 6.1% respectively, and its repeatability and reproducibility are less than 3% and 15% respectively, which is superior to those of the standard detection method. Compared with standard methods, this method has shorter testing time, lower cost and higher reliability and testing efficiency.
Key words:  crude oil component  detection  stoichiometry  infrared spectroscopy