引用本文:赵杰. 华北地区含硫化氢地下储气库脱硫运行技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 1-6.
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为了进一步推动国内含H2S地下储气库的优化运行,以华北地区X地下储气库为例,为防止其运行过程中采出的天然气因含H2S引发的安全问题,提出了有针对性的脱硫运行技术对策。主要包括:井筒抗硫技术、含硫气井井口失控远程点火技术和地面H2S处理技术。地下选用国产宝钢生产的D114.3 mm BGT1气密封型防硫化氢螺纹油管及耐压强度达34.5 MPa的井下安全阀。对含硫井口配备失控远程点火系统。在地面主要采用“活性炭+脱硫剂”分层装填脱硫塔的方式实现采出混合气体脱硫,并结合储气库井受双向压力及井底热传导效应促进硫溶解。通过摸索并实施一系列针对性的技术对策,X储气库完全自主实现零事故安全运行,为类似地下储气库的建设及运行提供了一定的参考。 
关键词:  地下储气库  硫化氢  腐蚀  脱硫
Desulfurization operation technology of underground gas storage containing hydrogen sulfide in north China
Zhao Jie
Hebei Gas Storage Company of PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Langfang, Hebei, China
In order to further promote the optimal operation of domestic underground gas storage containing hydrogen sulfide, taking X underground gas storage in north China as an example, targeted desulfurization operation technical countermeasures were put forward to prevent the safety problems caused by hydrogen sulfide in natural gas produced during the operation. It mainly included the technology of wellbore sulfur resistance, the technology of wellhead out-of-control remote ignition and the technology of surface hydrogen sulfide treatment. Domestic baosteel D114.3 mm BGT1 gas-sealed hydrogen sulfide resistant threaded tubing and downhole safety valve with compressive strength up to 34.5 MPa were selected underground. The sulfur wellhead was equipped with a runaway remote ignition system. On the ground, "activated carbon + desulfurizer" layered loading desulfurizer tower was mainly adopted to realize desulfurization of produced mixed gas, and sulfur dissolution was promoted by bidirectional pressure and bottom-hole heat conduction effect in combination with gas storage well. Through the exploration and implementation of a series of targeted technical countermeasures, the X gas storage reservoir had completely realized safe operation and zero accidents independently, which could provide a certain reference for the construction and operation of similar underground gas storage reservoirs.
Key words:  underground gas storage  hydrogen sulfide  corrosion  desulfurization