引用本文:李彦,蔡黎,吴海,谢羽,刘锦韬. GB 17820对硫化物气体标准物质的影响探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 88-92.
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GB 17820对硫化物气体标准物质的影响探讨
1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 2.中国石油天然气质量控制和能量计量重点实验室 3.中国计量科学研究院
介绍了强制性标准GB 17820-2018《天然气》实施后对我国硫化物气体标准物质的需求和影响。结合天然气质量控制领域的重大变化,分析国际、国内的H2S和SO2气体标准物质的现状和标准物质的溯源性,提出相对应的硫化物尤其是H2S和SO2气体标准物质的研发和生产需求。标准中规定进入长输管道的天然气应符合一类气的质量要求,一类商品天然气中H2S质量浓度应不超过6 mg/m3。为了实现对一类天然气中H2S含量的准确分析和溯源,满足管输天然气现场微量H2S的分析,应有相应摩尔分数的H2S气体标准物质,完善一类天然气中H2S的分析溯源链。
关键词:  硫化氢  气体标准物质  天然气  GB 17820
Influence of GB 17820 on the preparation of sulfur compounds reference gas
Li Yan1,3, Cai Li1,3, Wu Hai2, Xie Yu1,3, Liu Jintao1,3
1.ResearchInstituteofNaturalGasTechnology,Chengdu,Sichuan,China;2.KeyLaboratoryofNaturalGas QualityandEnergyMeasurement,CNPC,Chengdu,Sichuan,China;3.ChinaInstituteofMetrology,Beijing,China
Mandatory standard GB 17820-2018 Natural Gas has been published. The influence of this standard on the needs of sulfur contained reference gas is discussed. With the huge change in the natural gas quality control field, the traceability of worldwide H2S and SO2 reference gas is analyzed to carry out the demand to research and produce such reference gas. According to this mandatory standard, natural gas entering long distance pipeline should has no more than 6 mg/m3 H2S , the analysis methods on H2S in natural gas with such concentration is also listed in this standard. In order to get accurate analytic results, not only the analytic method is needed, but also the traceability is required. In other word, proper reference gas mixture is required to achieve good traceability and accuracy of the testing result in order to ensure the quality of the pipeline transmitted natural gas.
Key words:  H2S  reference gas  natural gas  GB 17820