引用本文:梁平,卢海东,张哲,张碧波,李洋,蒋欣. 长庆油田某天然气净化厂实现GB 17820-2018达标工艺方案研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 1-7.
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长庆油田某天然气净化厂实现GB 17820-2018达标工艺方案研究
1.重庆科技学院石油与天然气工程学院;2.中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司蜀南气矿
针对GB 17820-2018《天然气》标准中更为严格的天然气气质要求,长庆油田某天然气净化厂存在净化气中H2S含量不满足进入长输管道要求的现象。为解决这一问题,利用HYSYS软件对该厂MDEA脱硫工艺进行了流程模拟。分析了溶液循环量、MDEA质量分数、吸收塔塔板数、原料气温度、原料气压力以及贫液入塔温度对净化气中H2S、CO2含量的影响,并根据不同工艺参数的影响程度对参数进行排序。在此基础上,建立以最小能耗为目标函数的多参数优化模型,利用HYSYS自带的工具箱求解模型,得到满足净化气中H2S质量浓度<5 mg/m3、CO2摩尔分数<2.8%的最优操作参数组合。优化结果可对指导现场采取调整措施提供参考。 
关键词:  天然气脱硫  GB 17820-2018  HYSYS  H2S含量  参数优化
Process scheme study on the realization of GB 17820-2018 standardization in a natural gas purification plant of Changqing Oilfield
Liang Ping1, Lu Haidong1, Zhang Zhe2, Zhang Bibo3, Li Yang3, Jiang Xin1
1. School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China;2. PetroChina Planning & Engineering Institute, Beijing, China;3. Southern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Luzhou, Sichuan, China
Aiming at the stricter natural gas property requirements in the standard of GB 17820-2018 Natural Gas, the H2S content in purified gas of a natural gas purification plant in Changqing Oilfield didn't meet the requirement of gas entered long-distance transportation gas pipeline. To solve the problem, HYSYS software was used to simulate the MDEA desulfurization process of the plant. The effects of solution circulation, MDEA mass fraction, tray number of absorber, feed gas temperature, feed gas pressure and lean liquid inlet temperature on H2S and CO2 content in purified gas were analyzed, and the parameters were sorted according to the influence degree. On this basis, a multi-parameter optimization model with minimum energy consumption as the objective function was established. The optimal operating parameter combination was obtained for satisfying H2S mass concentration in purified gas less than 5 mg/m3 and CO2 molar fraction in purified gas less than 2.8% by using the toolbox solution model in HYSYS. The optimization results can provide a reference for guiding the adjustment measures on the site.
Key words:  natural gas desulfurization  GB 17820-2018  HYSYS  H2S content  parameter optimization