引用本文:张立胜,裴爱霞,彭传波,张苏猛. 20×104 t/a硫磺回收装置国产催化剂应用评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 30-36.
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20×104 t/a硫磺回收装置国产催化剂应用评价
普光气田硫磺回收装置原设计全部装填进口硫磺回收催化剂。2018年,某联合装置在第3轮大检修过程中,对一、二级反应器级配装填国产制硫催化剂,取得了良好的工业应用效果。提高了床层温度,增强了有机硫水解活性,降低了催化剂硫酸盐化的风险。装置已平稳运行1年,催化剂床层温度分布均匀,系统压差稳定。在运行5个月和运行1年的时间节点分别对催化剂进行标定,单程硫回收率达到96%以上,COS水解率在95%以上,CS2水解率达到100%,装置总体运行效果达到进口催化剂水平。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  催化剂  单程硫回收率  有机硫水解率  国产化
Application evaluation of domestic catalyst in 200×103 t/a sulfur recovery unit
Zhang Lisheng, Pei Aixia, Peng Chuanbo, Zhang Sumeng
Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd., Dazhou, Sichuan, China
The sulfur recovery unit of Puguang gas field was designed by loading imported sulfur recovery catalyst. During the third round overhaul of the device in 2018, domestic catalysts were loaded into the first and second reactors and achieved good results in industrial application. As the bed temperature increased, the hydrolysis activity of organic sulfur enhanced, and the risk of catalyst sulfation reduced. The plant has been running smoothly for one year. The temperature distribution of catalyst bed was uniform and the pressure difference of the system was stable. The catalyst was calibrated twice after running for 5 months and 1 year. The one-way sulfur recovery rate was over 96%, the hydrolysis rate of COS was over 95%, and the hydrolysis rate of CS2 was up to 100%. The overall operation effect of the unit reached the level of imported catalysts.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  catalyst  one-way sulfur recovery rate  hydrolysis rate of organic sulfur  localization