引用本文:张志浩,孙银娟,杨涛,王潜忠,孙芳萍,罗慧娟. 长庆油田小口径管道内检测机器人研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 93-97.
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综合涡流和超声波检测技术,针对长庆油田CO2驱小口径管道,成功研制了小口径管道电磁涡流内腐蚀检测机器人和超声波内腐蚀检测机器人,并在长2.97 km、管径为Φ114 mm、壁厚为4.5 mm的管线上进行了试验。研制过程包括检测系统探头、腐蚀情况检测系统、壁厚检测系统、采集处理系统、动力控制系统、储存分析系统、里程记录单元以及上位机成像系统、整体检测系统的设计和开发。电磁涡流内腐蚀检测机器人可用于Φ89 mm、Φ114 mm、Φ133 mm管径的腐蚀检测,能够通过4D弯头,能将管道腐蚀、壁厚减薄甚至盗油孔等隐患进行检测、定位。超声波内腐蚀检测机器人,能够对输油管道进行全程检测和数据记录,确定缺陷在管道上的位置,形成相应波形曲线。 
关键词:  小口径管道  内腐蚀检测器  机器人  电磁涡流  超声波
Research and application of small-caliber pipeline detection robot in Changqing Oilfield
Zhang Zhihao, Sun Yinjuan, Yang Tao, Wang Qianzhong, Sun Fangping, Luo Huijuan
Xi'an Changqing Technology and Engineering Co., Ltd., Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
In this paper, based on the technology of Eddy current and ultrasonic wave detection, we have successfully developed an electromagnetic Eddy current inner corrosion detection robot and an ultrasonic internal corrosion detection robot for the carbon dioxide drive small-diameter pipeline in Changqing Oilfield. The test was carried out on a pipeline with a diameter of Φ114 mm, a length of 2.97 km, and a wall thickness of 4.5 mm. The development process includes the design and development of the overall detection system which includes the subsystem of detection probe, corrosion detection, wall thickness detection, collection and processing, power control, storage analysis, mileage recording and upper computer imaging. Electromagnetic Eddy current corrosion detection robots can be used for the corrosion detection of Φ89 mm, Φ114 mm, Φ133 mm pipe diameters. They can detect and locate hidden dangers such as pipeline corrosion, wall thickness thinning, and even oil holes through 4D corners. Ultrasonic corrosion detection robot can detect and record the oil pipeline throughout the process, determine the position of the defect in the pipeline, and form a corresponding waveform curve.
Key words:  small-caliber pipeline  internal corrosion detector  robot  electromagnetic Eddy current  ultrasound