引用本文:王萍萍,陈召洋. 絮凝剂用于乙炔炭黑水分离的实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 54-57.
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为解决天然气制乙炔生产过程中炭黑水分离存在有毒有害气体及炭黑粉尘逸出的问题,通过采用聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、碱式氯化铝(BAC)两种絮凝剂对炭黑水进行了絮凝实验研究。实验结果表明:PAM和BAC复配絮凝可减少炭黑水的分离时间,在84 ℃下,PAM用量为0.02 g/g炭黑、BAC用量为0.1 g/g炭黑、固体质量分数为0.17%的炭黑水分离时间为20 s,水相固体质量分数为0.067%、黏度(22 ℃)为1.05 mPa·s。初步考察了PAM用量对炭黑水循环利用的影响,并提出了炭黑水絮凝密闭分离的工艺流程。 
关键词:  絮凝剂  聚丙烯酰胺  碱式氯化铝  炭黑水  水分离  乙炔
Experimental study on the separation of acetylene carbon black water with flocculants
Wang Pingping1, Chen Zhaoyang2
1. SINOPEC Chongqing SVW Chemical Co.,Ltd, Chongqing, China;2. Production and Operation Department of PetroChina Jidong Oilfield Company, Tangshan, Hebei, China
In order to solve the problem of toxic and harmful gas and carbon black dust escaping during the separation of carbon black water in the production of acetylene from natural gas, two flocculants, polyacrylamide (PAM) and basic aluminum chloride (BAC), were used to flocculate carbon black water. The results show that the combination of PAM and BAC can reduce the separation time of carbon black water. Under 84 ℃, when the dosage of PAM is 0.02 g/g carbon black, the dosage of BAC is 0.1 g/g carbon black, carbon black water with the solid content of 0.17 wt% can be separated in 20 s, the solid content of water phase is 0.067 wt%, and the viscosity (22 ℃) of water phase is 1.05 mPa·s. The effects of PAM dosage on the recycling of carbon black water are investigated and the technological process of closed separation of carbon black water with flocculants is put forward.
Key words:  flocculant  polyacrylamide  basic aluminum chloride  carbon black water  water separation  acetylene