引用本文:曹蕾,汤文芝. CO2混相压裂技术在G区块的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 69-72.
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1.中国石油天然气集团公司长城钻探工程技术研究院 ;2.中国石油辽河油田公司勘探开发研究院油田地质所
针对J油田G断块的低渗、强水敏、能量不足及原油凝固点高,开发难度大的问题,从储层特征及生产动态分析出发,提出了CO2复合化学剂混相压裂技术。该技术利用CO2配合增溶剂蓄能压裂补充地层能量,通过不返排酸及缩膨剂解除地层堵塞,应用降凝剂提高原油低温流动性,实现储层改造,增大泄油面积,提高产量。该技术在J油田G、L两个相似断块的9口井开展了现场试验,措施后单井平均日产量与措施前相比增加了4.7~6.5倍。该技术的成功应用,打开了J油田提高单井产量的突破口,为类似非常规油气藏增产提供了重要的技术支持和保障。 
关键词:  CO2  混相压裂  低渗  水敏
Application of carbon dioxide miscible fracturing technology in block G
Cao Lei1, Tang Wenzhi2
1. GWDC Drilling Engineering and Technology Research Institute of CNPC, Panjin, Liaoning, China;2. Exploration and Development Research Institute of PetroChina Liaohe Oilfield Company, Panjin, Liaoning, China
Aming at the problems of low permeability, strong water sensitivity, insufficient energy, high freezing point and difficalt development in G fault block at J oilfield, an innovative carbon dioxide miscible fracturing technique is proposed, which is based on the analyses of reservoir characteristics and production dynamic. This technology used carbon dioxide combining with solvent boosting energy storage fracturing to supply formation energy, removed formation blockage by no acid regurgitation and swelling agent, improved low temperature fluidity of crude oil by using pour point depressant, then realized the reservoir reconstruction, increased drainage area, and improved the production. The field tests were carried out with 9 wells in G and L fault blocks. The average daily production after the measures was 4.7-6.5 times higher than before. The successful application of this technology opens a breakthrough to increase the output per well in J oilfield, and provides important technical support and guarantee to increase production for similar unconventional oil and gas reservoirs.
Key words:  carbon dioxide  miscible fracturing  low permeability  water sensitivity