引用本文:高清春,汪志明,李小龙,李新勇,曾泉树. 抗温耐盐滑溜水压裂液用聚合物合成研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 80-86.
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1.中国石油大学(北京)油气资源与探测国家重点实验室 ;2.中国石化石油勘探开发研究院;3.中国石化西北油气分公司
滑溜水体积压裂技术是现阶段西部油田高温致密碳酸盐岩储层开发的重要技术之一,可提高改造效果。但西部油田现阶段现场施工时,使用高矿化度地下水配液,同时地层高温,导致常规滑溜水降阻剂性能严重下降。因此,有必要开发针对性的高性能聚合物降阻剂。通过对压裂液添加剂的优选,采用亲水单体与抗温耐盐单体中的一种或者几种进行自由基水溶液共聚,并对新合成的聚合物采用红外光谱分析、核磁共振分析等方法,优选得到较适合的改性单体及用量,开发了一种抗温效果好(140 ℃)、高矿化度条件下(10×104 mg/L)溶解速度快、降阻性能优异(降阻率70%)、地层伤害低、返排液处理简单的新型抗温耐盐型滑溜水压裂液体系,为超深碳酸盐岩的开发奠定理论基础,并提供技术支持。 
关键词:  滑溜水  减阻剂  抗温耐盐  改性单体  碳酸盐岩
Study on polymer synthesis of temperature-resistant and salt-resistant slick water fracturing fluids
Gao Qingchun1, Wang Zhiming1, Li Xiaolong2, Li Xinyong3, Zeng Quanshu1
1. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing, China;2. Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing, China;3. Northwest Oil and Gas Branch, SINOPEC, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
Slick water volume fracturing technology is one of the main technologies for the development of high temperature and compact carbonate reservoirs in Western China at present. Slick water complex acid is mainly used to form volume acid fracturing fractures to improve the stimulation effect. However, at the present stage of field construction in Western China, high salinity groundwater is used to distribute fluids, while formation temperature is high, the performance of conventional friction reducer is seriously reduced, so it is necessary to develop targeted high-performance polymer friction reducer. Through the optimization of fracturing fluid additives, free radical aqueous solution copolymerization was carried out by using one or more hydrophilic monomers and temperature/salt resistant monomers. In order to optimize the modified monomers and their dosage, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and differential scanning calorimetry are used to analyze the newly synthesized polymers. Finally a kind of modified monomers is developed, which has good temperature resistance, fast dissolution rate under high salinity conditions, excellent friction reduction, swelling properties, low formation damage, and the flowback treatment is simple. It can tolerate high temperature of 140 ℃, and rapidly dissolve under the salinity of 100,000 mg/L, the resistance reduction rate is about 70%. A new type of temperature-resistant and salt-resistant slick water fracturing fluid system act as a theoretical foundation and technical support for the development of ultra-deep carbonate rocks.
Key words:  slick water  friction reducer  temperature and salt resistance  modified monomer  carbonate