引用本文:刘丁发,段继芹,张强,王辉. SY/T 6658-2006《用旋进旋涡流量计测量天然气流量》修订建议[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 93-97, 102.
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SY/T 6658-2006《用旋进旋涡流量计测量天然气流量》修订建议
1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.中国石油天然气集团公司天然气质量控制和能量计量重点实验室
旋进旋涡流量计在天然气销售终端计量领域应用较多,随着计量技术和流量计现场使用经验的积累,以及国家实施天然气能量计量的迫切性,有必要对SY/T 6658-2006《用旋进旋涡流量计测量天然气流量》进行修订。对比分析了旋进旋涡流量计国内外有关标准主要技术条款存在的差异,试验测得渐缩管和弯管后不同直管段长度安装时旋进旋涡流量计最大测量性能偏差可达-0.7%。建议对SY/T 6658-2006进行修订时,在准确度等级和重复性要求,以及实流校准要求方面与国家有关技术标准条款进行统一,完善安装工艺要求和扰流测试评价要求,增加能量计量的显示、输出功能和流量计修正系数方法等。 
关键词:  天然气  流量测量  旋进旋涡流量计  标准修订
Suggestions on the revision of SY/T 6658-2006 measurement of natural gas flow by vortex precession flowmeter
Liu Dingfa1,2, Duan Jiqin1,2, Zhang Qiang1,2, Wang Hui1,2
1. Natural Gas Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Quality Control & Energy Measurement, CNPC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Vortex precession flowmeter is widely used in the field of natural gas sales terminal measurement, as the technology of flow measurement advanced and the field using experience accumulated, it is necessary to revise the standard of SY/T 6658-2006 Measurement of Natural Gas Flow by Vortex Precession Flowmeter. The main difference of technical terms of standards of vortex precession flowmeter between national and international were contrasted and analyzed, and the test results shown that the maximum performance deviation of the vortex precession flowmeter can reach -0.7% when installing the reducer pipe and the elbow pipe with different lengths of straight pipe. It is suggested that the requirements of accuracy level, repeatability and real-flow calibration should be unified with the relevant technical provisions of national verification regulations, the requirements of turbulent flow test and installation process should be improved, and the display and output function and flowmeter correction method of energy measurement should be increased when SY/T 6658-2006 is revised.
Key words:  natural gas  flow measurement  vortex precession flowmeter  standard revision