引用本文:张倩,卢海东,张碧波,张超,李洋. 某高含硫天然气净化厂尾气SO2减排措施探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 8-13, 28.
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1.中石化西北油田分公司采油二厂;2.重庆科技学院石油与天然气工程学院 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司蜀南气矿
以SO2排放质量浓度400 mg/m3为标准,对某高含硫天然气净化厂采用化工模拟软件建立硫磺回收及尾气处理工艺全流程模型,针对采用还原吸收工艺、氧化吸收工艺两种方案进行模拟,模拟结果表明,两种方案均能实现SO2减排。从工艺成熟度和经济投资两方面进一步分析,氧化吸收工艺具有流程简单、一次性投资低等特点,推荐该天然气净化厂采用氧化吸收工艺进行尾气处理,以达到尾气SO2减排的目的。 
关键词:  SO2减排  尾气处理工艺  硫磺回收  天然气净化厂
Discussion on tail gas SO2 emission reduction measures of a high-sulfur natural gas purification plant
Zhang Qian1, Lu Haidong2, Zhang Bibo3, Zhang Chao1, Li Yang3
1. The 2nd Oil Production Plant, Sinopec Northwest Branch Company, Luntai, Xinjiang, China;2. School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China;3. Southern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Luzhou, Sichuan, China
Using chemical simulation software to establish a model for sulfur recovery and tail-gas treatment process in a high-sulfur natural gas purification plant, and taking the SO2 emission mass concentration of 400 mg/m3 as the standard to simulate two schemes:reduction-absorption process and oxidation-absorption process. The results showed that both schemes could achieve SO2 emission reduction. After analyzing the process maturity and economic investment, the oxidation-absorption process had the characteristics of simple flow and low initial investment. The oxidation-absorption tail gas treatment process was recommended to the purification plant to reduce the SO2 emission.
Key words:  SO2 emission reduction  tail-gas treatment process  sulfur recovery  natural gas purification plant