引用本文:唐铭辰,王志伟,李林. 延迟焦化装置掺炼乙烯裂解重油的工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 34-38.
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乙烯裂解重油是乙烯裂解装置生产过程中的一种副产物,富含双环以上稠环芳烃,具有短侧链、高碳氢比等特点,常作为燃料油用,经济效益低。为提高乙烯裂解重油的利用价值,进行了延迟焦化装置掺炼乙烯裂解重油攻关。通过增设乙烯裂解重油预处理系统,向其中加入稳定剂及胶溶剂,解决了乙烯裂解重油与减压渣油混合时的分层现象和凝聚现象,实现了乙烯裂解重油在延迟焦化装置上的稳定掺炼。工业应用结果表明,装置掺炼乙烯裂解重油后,掺炼量最高达到10 t/h,主要操作条件与掺炼前比较无明显变化,汽柴油收率增加2.26%,焦炭收率降低3.36%,产品性质变化不大。当乙烯裂解重油掺炼量维持在10 t/h以下时,装置连续运行周期能达到1年以上。自2017年以来,共掺炼乙烯裂解重油106 187 t,实现经济效益9 025.9万元。 
关键词:  延迟焦化  乙烯裂解重油  掺炼  操作优化  经济效益  工业应用
Industrial application of blending ethylene cracking heavy oil in delayed coking unit
Tang Mingchen, Wang Zhiwei, Li Lin
Oil Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Ethylene cracking heavy oil is a kind of by-product in the production process of ethylene cracking unit, containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons above double ring and possessing the characteristics of short side chain and high hydrocarbon ratio, and which is often used as fuel oil and the economic benefit is low. In order to improve the utilization value of ethylene cracking heavy oil, the key problem of blending ethylene cracking heavy oil in delayed coking unit was solved. By adding a pretreatment system of ethylene cracking heavy oil and adding stabilizer and peptizer to ethylene cracking heavy oil, the separation and coacervation of ethylene cracking heavy oil mixed with vacuum residue was solved, and the stable blending of ethylene cracking heavy oil in delayed coking unit was realized. The results of industrial application showed that the maximum blending capacity of ethylene cracking heavy oil was 10 t/h, the main operating conditions had no obvious change compared with that before blending, and the yield of gasoline and diesel increased by 2.26%, the yield of coke decreased by 3.36%, and the product properties had little change. When the blending capacity of ethylene cracking heavy oil was kept below 10 t/h, the continuous operation period of the unit could reach more than one year. Since 2017,106 187 tons of ethylene cracking heavy oil have been blended, achieving economic benefit of RMB 90.259 million yuan.
Key words:  delayed coking  ethylene cracking heavy oil  blending  operation optimization  economic benefit  industrial application