引用本文:蔡新恒,魏晓丽,梁家林,孙岩峰,刘颖荣,刘泽龙. 基于分子表征的重油丙烯潜产率模型及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(4): 56-61.
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从烃分子生成丙烯的反应出发,提出原料丙烯潜产率的分子水平模型,通过重油分子水平表征结合催化裂解反应化学研究,归纳出重油丙烯潜产率模型及其数学表达式。基于所构建的重油丙烯潜产率模型,获得催化裂解多产丙烯的较优烃分子类型,可为多产丙烯的原油、重油等原料的甄选以及对中间基等非理想原料的加氢改质提供参考方向。进一步对原油基属类型涵盖石蜡基、中间基和环烷基的几种减压蜡油及其加氢尾油的丙烯产率进行评价,结果表明,催化裂解丙烯实际产率和低碳烯烃产率均随着原料丙烯潜产率PPY指标的增大而相应提高,并且分别存在较好的线性相关性。 
关键词:  丙烯  重油  加氢  催化裂解  分子表征
Research and application of potential propylene yield model based on molecular characterization of heavy oil
Cai Xinheng, Wei Xiaoli, Liang Jialin, Sun Yanfeng, Liu Yingrong, Liu Zelong
Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing, China
A potential propylene yield model based on chemical reaction of hydrocarbon molecules to propylene for heavy oil is proposed. By combination of molecular characterization of heavy oil and reaction chemistry in catalytic cracking process, mathematic formula for potential propylene yield index is developed. By application of the model and formula, appropriate hydrocarbon types or oil feedstock for producing propylene can be sorted out and also a reference direction for hydrotreating non-ideal feedstock for catalytic cracking to maximize propylene product can be provided. Furthermore, the model and formula are applied to correlate and predict the propylene yield from vacuum gas oils and their hydrogenated gas oils including paraffinic, intermediate and naphthenic base, and the results show that the actual yield of propylene from catalytic cracking and low carbon olefins yield are raised with increase of the potential propylene yield index and good linear correlations between them are existed.
Key words:  propylene  heavy oil  hydrogenation  catalytic cracking  molecular characterization