引用本文:吴开杨,周能冬,叶立峰,丁健飞. 加氢裂化液化气脱硫塔操作参数分析及调优[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(5): 20-25.
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液化气脱硫塔是加氢裂化装置中的关键操作单元,脱硫后液化气中H2S含量超标是加氢裂化装置的常见问题。针对某炼化企业加氢裂化装置所产脱硫后液化气中H2S含量严重超标的问题,利用Aspen Plus软件对液化气脱硫塔进行模拟分析。结果 表明,进料量、温度、压力等因素均不是该装置脱硫后液化气中H2S含量超标的主要原因,其主要原因是液化气在塔内分布不均。通过更换液化气进料分配器和填料,使脱硫后液化气中H2S质量浓度降至7~30 mg/m3。 
关键词:  加氢裂化  液化气  H2S  Aspen Plus  模拟
Analysis and optimization of operation parameters of hydrocracking LPG desulfurization tower
Wu Kaiyang1,2, Zhou Nengdong2, Ye Lifeng2, Ding Jianfei2
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin , China;2. Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Company of Sinopec, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) desulfurization tower is a key unit in hydrocracking unit. It is a common problem in hydrocracking unit that the hydrogen sulfide content in desulfurized LPG exceeds the standard. Aiming at the problem of hydrogen sulfide content in desulfurized LPG produced by the hydrocracking unit in a refinery exceeding the standard seriously, the influence parameters of LPG desulfurization tower were simulated and analyzed with Aspen Plus software. The results showed that the factors such as feed rate, temperature and pressure were not the main reasons of the hydrogen sulfide content in the desulfurized liquefied gas of the unit exceeding the standard, and the uneven distribution of the liquefied gas in the tower was the main reason. After replacing the feed distributor of liquefied gas and filler, the hydrogen sulfide mass concentration in the desulfurized liquefied gas reduced to 7-30 mg/m3.
Key words:  hydrocracking  liquefied petroleum gas  hydrogen sulfide  Aspen Plus  simulation