引用本文:林飞,赵凯,帅永乾,杨垒,黄琳钧. 含硫气井络合铁单井脱硫工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(5): 33-37.
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关键词:  彭州海相  络合铁脱硫  硫沉积  工艺优化
Optimization of single well desulfuration process with complex iron in sour gas well
Lin Fei, Zhao Kai, Shuai Yongqian, Yang Lei, Huang Linjun
The First Natural Gas Production Plant, Sinopec Southwest Oil/Gas Company, Deyang, Sichuan, China
The H2S molar fraction in feed gas of YS1 well is 5.23%, which is a high sulfur content gas well. YS1 well is exploited by single well desulfurization technology of complex iron. The complex iron desulfurization process provides a new economic and efficient desulfurization treatment technology for single well test production of sour oil and gas fields with the advantages of high sulfur capacity, low cost and less site area. However, the complex iron desulfurization process is faced with problems such as sulfur blockage, tail gas odor, and sulfur paste collection difficulties. Based on the production experience of YS1 well, sulfur deposition monitoring and control technology, organic sulfur deodorization system, sulfur paste collection system and thermal energy utilization technology optimization were proposed. The stability and economy of the device continuous operation were improved, which had a guiding significance for the popularization of the single well desulfurization process of complex iron.
Key words:  Pengzhou marine facies  complex iron desulfurization  sulfur deposition  process optimization