引用本文:林宇,伍坤一,吴国霈,李文胜,刘恩斌. 川南页岩气卧式过滤分离器流场分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(6): 82-86.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司集输工程技术研究所;2. 西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院 ;3. 中国石油集团海洋工程(青岛)有限公司
页岩气田生产中后期气井产量下降、压力减小,为保证产品气顺利外输需要启用压缩机进行增压生产。由于页岩气较常规气含有更多的颗粒物杂质,如果杂质分离不完全进入下游,将会导致压缩机损坏甚至停车,从而导致整个页岩气田的生产和集输调配受到影响,造成巨大的经济损失。过滤分离器作为页岩气进入增压机前的最后一道保障,分离效率尤为重要。目前,用数值计算方法对卧式过滤分离器分离效率的研究还较少。通过FLUENT软件对页岩气卧式过滤分离器进行数值模拟,研究分析设备内流场情况。计算结果表明,卧式过滤分离器滤筒部分能有效地分离固体和液体颗粒物杂质,液体颗粒粒径大于60 μm、固体粒径大于30 μm时,分离效率较高,整体分离效率可达96%以上,能有效地保护压缩机撬,优化了页岩气集输工艺,为页岩气田生产安全运行提供保障。 
关键词:  页岩气田  增压机  卧式过滤分离器  数值模拟
Flow field analysis of horizontal filter separator in South-Sichuan shale gas field
Lin Yu1, Wu Kunyi1, Wu Guopei1, Li Wensheng2,3, Liu Enbin2
1. Research Institute of Gathering and Transportation Engineering Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. CNPC Offshore Engineering Company Limited, Qingdao, Shandong, China
In the middle and later stages of shale gas production, the output declines and the pressure of the gas well decreases. In order to ensure smooth transmission of the product gas, the gas compressor is needed to boost production. Because the shale gas has more particulate impurities than conventional gas, if the impurities are not separation incompletely and go into the downstream, it will cause compressor damage even shut down, which will affect the shale gas production and gathering process, causing huge economic losses. As the last guarantee before shale gas entering the supercharger, the separation efficiency of filter separator is very important. But there are few studies on separation efficiency of horizontal filter separator by numerical calculation method. In this paper, FLUENT software is used for numerical simulation of the horizontal filter separator, and the flow field in the equipment is researched and analyzed. The calculation results show that the filter barrel of horizontal separator can effectively separate solid and liquid particles/impurities. The separation efficiency is high when the liquid particle size is larger than 60 μm and the solid particle size is larger than 30 μm. The overall separation efficiency can reach more than 96%. This method can effectively protect the the compressor lever, optimize the shale gas gathering and transportation technology, and ensure the safe operation of shale gas field.
Key words:  shale gas field  supercharger  horizontal filter separator  numerical simulation