引用本文:刘婷婷,何鹏,杨朝锋,鲍文,梁裕如. 油田井口称重计量微波加热技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 108-113.
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为了降低低产油井间歇产液对含水原油称重计量造成的误差,设计了一套带有微波加热源的含水原油称重计量装置,该装置可实现对井口来液进行高效、即时加热,减少油井间歇产液造成的原油挂壁、结蜡现象。通过室内实验发现,当控制单次称重的含水原油体积为20 L时,采用3个螺旋布置于称重装置底部总功率为3 kW的微波加热源,可以对不同含水率的原油进行高效加热。加热温升40 ℃的平均用时在10 min以内,同时能明显减少原油挂壁、结蜡的现象,使称重计量具有良好的准确度。与常规加热相比,微波加热即时、高效,对低产油井计量具有良好的适应性,同时还能有效地降低加热部分的投资费用,具有良好的经济效益。 
关键词:  单井计量  称重计量  微波加热  高效加热
Study on microwave heating technology of oilfield wellhead weighing
Liu Tingting, He Peng, Yang Zhaofeng, Bao Wen, Liang Yuru
Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
In order to reduce the error caused by the intermittent production of low-yield oil wells, the crude oil weighing device with microwave heating was designed to efficiently and instantly heat the wellhead liquid to reduce the intermittent production of oil wells. The device can efficiently and immediately heat the wellhead incoming liquid and reduce the phenomenon of wax on the oil wall caused by intermittent liquid production. It is found in laboratory experiments that when the volume of the crude oil for single weighing is 20 L, three microwave power devices with a total power of 3 kW spirally arranged at the bottom of the weighing device can efficiently heat the crude oil with different water content. The average temperature of the heating temperature rise of 40°C within 10 minutes, at the same time it can significantly reduce the phenomenon of crude oil wall hanging, waxing, so that the weighing has good accuracy. Compared with conventional heating, the instant and high efficiency of microwave heating has good adaptability to the measurement of low-yield oil wells,and at the same time it can effectively reduce the cost investment of the heating part, and has good economic benefits.
Key words:  single well metering  weighing  microwave heating  efficient heating