引用本文:童睿康,王鹏,蔡磊,张引弟. 复杂城市管网多气源混输模型的构建及工程应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 53-60.
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1.长江大学石油工程学院;2.北京石油化工学院机械工程学院,深水油气管线关键技术与装备北京市重点实验室 ;3.北京市燃气集团有限责任公司
为研究复杂城市燃气管网多气源混输的影响,在传统燃气管网水力仿真模型的基础上补充气体组分追踪方程,构建燃气管网多气源混输仿真数学模型。通过某省规划管网算例,验证所构建模型的准确性。将所构建多气源混输模型应用于A城市高压燃气管网系统,研究多气源混输对管网中气体压力、气源结构及气体组成的影响。结果 表明,季节性供气方案调整会导致管网中压力、气体甲烷比例、氢比例、华白数和发热量等气质指标发生波动。部分输气站气源结构发生较大置换,压力波动可达20%,华白数波动可达4.9%,发热量波动可达4.61%,这将对A城市燃气管网安全平稳运行造成一定影响。 
关键词:  燃气管网  多气源混输  气体组成  组分追踪  管网仿真
Construction and engineering application of multi-gas source mixed transmission model for urban gas pipeline network
Tong Ruikang1, Wang Peng2, Cai Lei3, Zhang Yindi1
1. Petroleum Engineering College, Yangtze University, Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. Beijing Key Laboratory of Pipeline Critical Technology and Equipment for Deepwater Oil & Gas Development, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology, Beijing, China;3. Beijing Gas Group Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
In order to research the impact of multi-gas source mixed transmission on urban natural gas pipeline networks,gas composition tracking equation is added in the traditional gas pipeline network simulation to construct the gas pipeline network multi-gas source mixed transmission model in this paper. Through an example of a provincial planning pipe network, the correctness of the model is verified. The constructed multi-gas source mixed transmission model is applied to the high-pressure gas pipeline network system in city A to study the influence of multi-gas source mixed transmission on gas pressure, gas source structure and gas composition in the pipeline network. The results show that the adjustment of the seasonal gas supply plan will cause fluctuations in the gas quality indicators such as pressure, gas methane ratio, hydrogen ratio, wobbe index and heating value in the pipeline network. The gas source structure of some gate stations has undergone major replacement with pressure fluctuations up to 20%, wobbe index fluctuations up to 4.9% and calorific value fluctuations up to 4.61%, which will have a certain impact on the safe and stable operation of urban gas pipeline network in city A.
Key words:  gas network  multi-gas source mixed transmission  gas composition  component tracking  numerical simulation