引用本文:王小兵,龚浩宇,李森. 泡沫流体反循环洗井携屑能力影响因素研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 77-82.
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为了研究泡沫流体反循环洗井过程中泡沫流体携屑能力的影响因素,基于有限元方法建立了泡沫流体反循环洗井模型,分析了注入温度、泡沫质量对泡沫流体携屑能力的影响。由数值模拟结果得出:泡沫流体的注入温度从15 ℃升高到80 ℃,其携屑率减小约7.3%;泡沫质量从0.65增大到0.95,其携屑率增加约8.3%。研究结果表明:在泡沫流体反循环洗井过程中,泡沫流体的携屑能力随着注入温度的升高而降低,随着泡沫质量的增加而增大,泡沫流体的泡沫质量相比于注入温度对其携屑能力的影响更大;在其他条件不变的情况下,黏度是决定泡沫流体携屑能力的重要因素。 
关键词:  泡沫流体  注入温度  泡沫质量  携屑率  数值计算
Research on influence factors of particle carrying capability of reverse circulation well cleanup with foam fluid
Wang Xiaobing, Gong Haoyu, Li Sen
School of Petroleum Engineering, Changzhou University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
In order to study the influence factors of particle carrying capacity of foam fluid during the reverse circulation washing process, a model of reverse circulation well washing by foam fluid was established based on finite element method. The influence of injection temperature and foam quality on the particle carrying capacity of foam fluid was analyzed. The numerical simulation results show that the injection temperature of foam fluid increases from 15 ℃ to 80 ℃, the carrying rate decreases by about 7.3%. The foam quality of foam fluid increases from 0.65 to 0.95, the particle carrying rate increases by about 8.3%. The results show that the particle carrying capacity of foam fluid decreases with the injection temperature increase during the reverse circulation washing process of foam fluid. The foam quality of foam fluid has a greater influence on the particle carrying capacity than the injection temperature. The viscosity is an important factor to determine the particle carrying capacity of foam fluid when other conditions are unchanged.
Key words:  foam fluid  injection rate  foam quality  particle carrying rate  numerical calulation