引用本文:杜佳芮,石薇薇,曹祖宾,张颖,梁倩倩,苑野. 焦化煤油馏分络合萃取工艺精制α-烯烃工艺研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(3): 8-13.
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以某炼化厂的焦化煤油馏分为原料,利用络合萃取工艺精制原料油中的α-烯烃和烷烃等物质。考察了不同络合萃取剂及温度等操作条件对精制的影响,并对其进行表征分析。结果 表明:选用Ag+试剂1-N-甲基吡咯烷酮(NMP)为络合萃取剂,在萃取温度为120 ℃、剂油质量比为0.5∶1、采用实验室自制吸附剂的条件下,精制效果最佳。通过实验得到的精制产品油收率为83.45%;经过提纯后的α-烯烃质量分数可以达到70.07%;硫脱除率可以达到29.73%,氮脱除率可以达到66.09%;精制油的碳数分布主要在C8~C14之间,FT-IR表征结果表明,焦化煤油馏分中含有的官能团主要为O-H、C-H及RCH=CH2,得到的精制油可做聚合反应生成PAO。 
关键词:  焦化煤油馏分  络合萃取  α-烯烃  剂油质量比  提纯
Study on refining α-olefin by complex extraction process of coking kerosene fraction
Du Jiarui1, Shi Weiwei1, Cao Zubin1, Zhang Ying1, Liang Qianqian1, Yuan Ye2
1. Petrochemical College, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun, Liaoning, China;2. No.1 Refinery, PetroChina Fushun Petrochemical Company, Fushun, Liaoning, China
Taking the coking kerosene fraction of a refinery as the refined raw oil, the complex extraction process was used to refine the α-olefins and alkanes in the raw oil. The effects of different complex extraction agents and operating conditions such as temperature were investigated, and the characterization analysis was performed. The results showed that Ag+ reagent 1-N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) was selected as the complex extraction agents, and the extraction temperature was 120 ℃, the mass ratio of agent to oil was 0.5∶1, and the operating conditions of laboratory-made adsorbent were used to obtain the best refine effect. The yield of refined product oil obtained through experiments was 83.45%. The mass fraction of purified α-olefin was 70.07%. The removal rate of sulfur could reach 29.73%, and the removal rate of nitrogen could reach 66.09%. The carbon number distribution of refined oil was mainly between C8-C14. The FT-IR characterization results showed that the functional groups contained in the coking kerosene fraction were mainly O-H, C-H and RCH=CH2, and the obtained refined oil could be used for polyreaction to generate PAO.
Key words:  coking kerosene fraction  complex extraction  α-olefin  agent-to-oil mass ratio  purification