引用本文:吴基荣. 气田集输系统缓蚀剂对天然气净化厂脱硫溶液发泡的影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 16-23.
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含硫气田上下游工艺衔接对气田的安全、优质、高效运行至关重要。针对上游气田批处理过程中缓蚀剂短时大量携入天然气净化厂脱硫系统从而引发的装置发泡、液泛等问题,通过模拟实验和现场工况考察,分析了批处理的缓蚀剂对UDS-2复合脱硫溶液各项性能的影响。研究表明,缓蚀剂是引起脱硫溶液发泡的主要因素,随着缓蚀剂含量的增加,溶剂表面张力、泡沫高度和消泡时间均增加;在相同的缓蚀剂剂量下,发泡高度随着气速的增加而增大。在工业条件下,通过采取预防措施减少上游液体进入脱硫溶液体系、增强原料气过滤、调控负荷参数的方法,同时使用阻泡剂加注系统,可有效提高操作稳定性,实现批处理工况下天然气脱硫装置的安全平稳运行。 
关键词:  溶液发泡  天然气脱硫  缓蚀剂  批处理  醇胺溶液
基金项目:中国石化十条龙科技攻关项目“元坝天然气净化工程技术开发与工业试验 ”(112125)
Study on effect of corrosion inhibitor of gas field gathering and transportation system on desulfurization solution foaming in natural gas purification plant
Wu Jirong
Sinopec Southwest Oil and Gas Branch, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The process connection between the upstream and downstream of the sour gas field is critical to the safe, high-quality and efficient operation of the gas field. Aiming at the problems caused by a large number of corrosion inhibitors brought into the desulfurization system for a short time during the batch processing of the upstream gas field, such as foaming, liquid flooding of the purification device, the effects of the corrosion inhibitors in the batch processing of the upstream gas field gathering and transportation system on the properties of UDS-2 composite desulfurization solution were analyzed through simulation experiments and investigating field conditions. The results showed that the corrosion inhibitor had a significant contribution to solution foaming, and the surface tension, foam height and defoaming time increased with the increase of corrosion inhibitor content. With the same dose of inhibitor, the foaming height increased with the increase of gas velocity. Under the industrial conditions, by enhancing the filtration of feed gas, adjusting the load parameters, and using the foam inhibiting agent injection system, the operation stability could be effectively improved, and the safe and stable operation of the natural gas desulfurization device was realized under the batch processing condition.
Key words:  solution foaming  natural gas desulfurization  corrosion inhibitor  batch processing  alkanolamine solution