引用本文:蒋洪,杨铜林,喻靖,王缤蕊,崔永兴,杨冬磊. 直接换热凝液回收工艺高级火用分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 77-85.
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1.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院 ;2.中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司 ;3.中国石油塔里木油田克拉油气开发部克深8采气作业区 ;4.中国石油塔里木油田安全环保与工程监督中心 ;5.中国石油塔里木油田分公司油气运销部
常规火用分析仅仅能对设备的火用损及火用效率进行定量分析,而不能揭示设备的火用损改进潜力。为了分析凝液回收过程中设备的用能情况,对直接换热流程进行了高级火用分析。利用高级火用分析方法评价各设备的火用损形式,以反映出各设备之间的相互作用,识别火用损的改进潜力。结果 表明,大部分设备的可避免内源火用损占总火用损的比例较高,表明工艺改进应首先侧重于设备本身的性能改造,而不是工艺结构。减少过程火用损最有效的措施是提高压缩机效率,其次是改变冷箱的换热结构。灵敏度分析显示了各种参数对DHX塔、脱乙烷塔、脱丙丁烷塔4类火用损的影响,表明通过进一步改进凝液回收流程可减少设备的火用损。 
关键词:  凝液回收  火用损  高级火用分析  优化  能量分析
Advanced exergy analysis of direct heat exchange condensate recovery process
Jiang Hong1, Yang Tonglin1, Yu Jing2, Wang Bingrui3, Cui Yongxing4, Yang Donglei5
1. School of Oil and Natural Gas Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Tianjin Branch of CNOOC(China)Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China;3. Tarim Oilfield Clari Air Development Department Gram Deep 8 Gas Working Area, Korla, Xinjiang, China;4. Tarim Oilfield Safety Environmental Protection and Engineering Supervision Center, Korla, Xinjiang, China;5. Oil and Gas Transportation and Marketing Department, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kuerle, Xingjiang, China
Conventional exergy analysis can be only used to make a quantitative analysis of the exergy destruction and exergy efficiency of equipment, and cannot reflect the improvement potential of the exergy destruction of the equipment. In order to analyze the energy consumption of the equipment in the condensate recovery process, an advanced exergy analysis is performed on the direct heat exchange process. Advanced exergy analysis is adopted to evaluate the exergy destruction forms of each component to reflect the interaction between components and identify the improvement potential of exergy destruction. The results show that avoidable endogenous exergy destruction of most equipment accounts for the highest proportion of the total exergy destruction, indicating that process improvements should focus on device performance rather than process structure. The most effective measure to reduce process exergy destruction is to improve compressor efficiency, followed by transforming the heat exchange structure of the cold box. A sensitivity analysis shows the effects of various parameters on the four combined exergy destruction forms of DHX tower, deethanizer, de-butane tower, which reveals that exergy destruction can be reduced by further improvement of condensate recovery process.
Key words:  condensate recovery  exergy destruction  advanced exergy analysis  optimization  energy analysis