引用本文:梅雪,罗召钱,徐倩,田兴平,唐易. 中低含硫边远气井干法脱硫剂的优选及高效应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(5): 1-6.
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干法脱硫工艺具有工艺简单、投资低、占地面积小等优势,已成为中低含硫天然气分散气井生产时优先选择的脱硫方式。但从各大气田目前的使用情况而言,干法脱硫剂的现场使用效率较低,其硫容往往只能达到实验值的一半甚至更少,极大地制约了实际生产。为了解决这一问题,针对中低含硫边远气井不同活性组分的干法脱硫剂进行了现场试验,并通过改变装填方式、倒塔制度来提高脱硫剂的使用效率。研究结果表明,以无定型羟基氧化铁为活性组分的脱硫剂硫容相对较高。通过脱硫剂的优选及工艺条件的改变,脱硫剂的使用硫容由12%提至32%,倒塔周期从3天延至9天。该研究改善了干法脱硫剂的使用效率和寿命,为干法脱硫剂的高效应用提供了思路。 
关键词:  中低含硫  天然气  边远气井  干法脱硫剂  氧化铁  高效应用
Optimization and high-efficiency application of dry method desulfurizer for remote gas wells with medium and low sulfur content
Mei Xue, Luo Zhaoqian, Xu Qian, Tian Xingping, Tang Yi
Northwestern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
The dry method desulfurization process has the advantages of simple process, low investment and small occupied area. It has become the preferred desulfurization method in the production of medium and low sulfur dispersed natural gas wells. However, from the current use of major gas fields, the on-site use efficiency of dry method desulfurizer is low, and the sulfur capacity can often only reach half of the experimental value or even less, which greatly restricts the actual production. To solve the problem, the field experiment was carried out aiming at the different active component of dry method desulfurizers used for low and medium sulfur remote gas wells, and the desulfurizer efficiency was improved by changing filling method and tower inverting procedures. The results indicated that the amorphous hydroxyl ferric oxide as active component exhibited superior sulfur capacity. After the optimization of desulfurizer and change of process conditions, the sulfur capacity of the desulfurizer increased from 12% to 32%, simultaneously the period of tower inverting extended from 3 days to 9 days. The use efficiency and device life of dry desulfurizer were enhanced, which could provide some ideas to the efficient application of dry method desulfurizer.
Key words:  medium and low sulfur content  natural gas  dispersed gas well  dry method desulfurizer  ferric oxide  efficient application