引用本文:马增华,孙永涛,蒋召平,王通,李海,陈龙俊,等. 应力应变对316L液控管线热采环境中应力腐蚀行为的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(5): 54-59, 70.
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1.中海油田服务股份有限公司油田生产事业部 ;2.中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司渤海石油研究院;3.北京科技大学新材料技术研究院
为研究应力应变对热采井安全阀液控管线电化学特征及应力腐蚀行为的影响,利用高温高压釜模拟260 ℃、1%(体积分数)氧分压热采环境对316L液控管线进行应力腐蚀实验研究,并采用SEM、EDS进行表征。结果 表明,应力应变使316L材质液控管线钝化膜产生微裂纹,使得管线的耐蚀性能变差。模拟高温高压含氧热采环境下,氧气促使微裂纹变为小阳极,钝化膜表面为大阴极,裂纹尖端自催化发展,最终导致316L液控管线发生应力腐蚀开裂,出现多条平行的环向裂纹。 
关键词:  316L不锈钢  热采环境  应力应变  电化学  液控管线
Effect of stress-strain on stress corrosion behavior of 316L hydraulic control pipeline in thermal recovery environment
Ma Zenghua1, Sun Yongtao1, Jiang Zhaoping2, Wang Tong1, Li Hai3, Chen Longjun3, Liu Wei3
1. Oil Production Division, China Offshore Oilfield Service Limited, Tianjin, China;2. Institute of Bohai Oil, Tianjin Branch of CNOOC, Tianjin, China;3. Institute for Advanced Materials and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
In order to study the effect of stress and strain on electrochemical characteristics and stress corrosion behavior of hydraulic control pipeline of safety valve in thermal recovery well, high temperature and high pressure autoclave was used to simulate the thermal recovery environment of 260 ℃ and 1% oxygen partial pressure, and the stress corrosion of 316L hydraulic control pipeline was characterized by SEM and EDS. The results showed that the stress and strain made the passive film of 316L hydraulic control pipeline produce microcracks, which reducing the corrosion resistance of pipeline. In the simulated environment of high temperature and high pressure thermal recovery, oxygen promoted the microcrack to become the small anode, the passive film was the large cathode, and the crack tip autocatalytic developed, which eventually led to stress corrosion cracking of 316L hydraulic control pipeline and multiple parallel circumferential cracks.
Key words:  316L stainless steel  thermal recovery environment  strain and stress  electrochemistry  hydraulic control pipeline