引用本文:孟江,张钦,易建国,程浩. 填料叶片式旋转床超重力三甘醇脱水装置影响因素研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 9-13.
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1.重庆科技学院;2.中国石油西南油气田公司致密油气勘探开发项目部 ;3.中国石油青海油田天然气公司
天然气超重力脱水工艺较传统吸收塔脱水工艺具有显著的优势,但目前还未进行规模化推广。为了探究不同结构旋转床的脱水性能,进一步提高脱水效率,利用自制的填料叶片式旋转床超重力实验装置,通过模拟天然气三甘醇脱水实验,分析了天然气三甘醇脱水效果的影响因素。结果 表明:①在其他条件不变时,温度和转速对脱水效果有明显的影响,且温度的影响处于优势地位;②在进气口加装相同面积不同形状的导流片可提高脱水效果,但不同形状的导流片引起的能量损失不同,脱水效率也不同;③三甘醇分布器开孔位置对脱水效果存在影响,分布器在超重力床中的位置不同,对脱水效果和三甘醇损失的影响也不同。上述研究结果为进一步研究填料叶片式旋转床的脱水表现提供了改进的方向,也为探索不同型式的超重力脱水结构提供了借鉴。 
关键词:  叶片式旋转床  超重力  天然气  脱水  三甘醇
Study on influencing factors of high gravity triethylene glycol dehydration device with filler vane rotary bed
Meng Jiang1, Zhang Qin1, Yi Jianguo2, Cheng Hao3
1. Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing, China;2. Tight Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Project Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. PetroChina Qinghai Oilfield Natural Gas Company, Geermu, Qinghai, China
The natural gas dehydration process with high gravity has significant advantages relative to the traditional absorption tower dehydration process, but it has’t been popularized on a large scale. In order to explore the dehydration performance of rotating beds with different structures and further improve the dehydration efficiency, using a self-made filler blade type high gravity experiment device, through the simulation of natural gas triethylene glycol dehydration experiment, the influencing factors of natural gas triethylene glycol dehydration were analyzed. The results showed that:(1) When other conditions remain unchanged, temperature and rotation speed have a significant impact on the dehydration effect, and the effect of temperature was in a dominant position; (2) The air inlet was equipped with guide vanes of the same area and different shapes to improve the dehydration effect. The energy loss caused by the guide vanes with different shapes was different, and the dehydration efficiency was also different; (3) The hole positions of the triethylene glycol distributor would influence the dehydration effect, and the different positions of the distributor in the high gravity bed had different effects on the dehydration effect and the loss of triethylene glycol. The results provided an improvement direction for further study of the dehydration performance of packed vane rotating bed, and also provided a reference for exploring different types of high gravity dehydration structures.
Key words:  blade-type rotating bed  high gravity  natural gas  dehydration  triethylene glycol