引用本文:李继勇,邵红云,宋时权,夏凌燕,张贵玲. 压裂用胶囊破胶剂性能评价方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(6): 87-90.
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关键词:  胶囊破胶剂  评价方法  高温高压  压裂液
Research on performance evaluation method of capsule breaker for fracturing
Li Jiyong, Shao Hongyun, Song Shiquan, Xia Lingyan, Zhang Guiling
Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute, Sinopec Shengli Oilfield Branch Company, Dongying, Shandong, China
Capsule breakers are mainly used in fracturing construction to delay gel breakage. For the current evaluation method of capsule breaker, only mechanical pressure is used to crush it to evaluate its breaking ability. It is difficult to evaluate the performance of the gel breaker accurately because of the lack of research on the condition of release of gel breaker under formation pressure and temperature. Based on this, the thermal release of the capsule breaker and the effect of the capsule breaker on the viscosity of the fracturing fluid under high temperature and high pressure were studied by a conductivity meter and a thickening meter. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to analyze the microstructure of the samples after heat treatment. Through these three methods, the working performance of the capsule breaker can be evaluated. It was found that the thermal release performance of the capsule breaker in solution could be reflected by measuring the change trend of solution conductivity with conductivity meter. The high temperature and high pressure thickener is used to simulate the working conditions of the formation, and the breaking performance of the capsule breaker in the high temperature and high pressure condition is evaluated. Scanning electron microscope was used to observe the microstructure of the capsule breaker, which could reflect the change of the capsule breaker when it was heated at high temperature.
Key words:  capsule breaker  evaluation method  high temperature and high pressure  fracturing fluid