引用本文:张忠亮,陈俊生,耿铁,石大磊,金容旭,刘文士,等. 海上水基钻井岩屑制备硅酸盐水泥试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 92-97.
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目的 针对海上水基钻井岩屑回收上岸的末端处置难题,采用水基钻井岩屑作为原料开展了制备水泥熟料的可行性研究。方法 考察了不同煅烧温度对水泥熟料性能的影响,并确定了最佳制备工艺。结果 在最佳制备工艺条件下(KH=0.92、SM=2.18、IM=1.61,950 ℃保温30 min,煅烧温度1 400 ℃,保温40 min),水泥熟料性能满足GB 175-2007《通用硅酸盐水泥》要求(f-CaO<1%,0.8 μm筛余量为0.76%,初凝时间168 min,终凝时间282 min,28天抗压强度45.86 MPa),重金属浸出含量低于GB 30760-2014《水泥窑协同处置固体废物技术规范》限值。结论 内掺水基钻井岩屑不仅降低了水泥熟料的烧成温度,而且未改变水泥熟料的主要矿物相,从而为海上油气田水基钻井岩屑回收上岸后的资源化处置提供参考。 
关键词:  海上水基钻井岩屑  水泥熟料  煅烧温度  浸出毒性
Experimental study on preparation of cement clinker from offshore water-based drilling cuttings
Zhang Zhongliang1, Chen Junsheng1, Gen Tie1, Shi Dalei1, Jin Rongxu1, Liu Wenshi2, Wang Bo2
1. China Oilfield Services Limited, Tianjin, China;2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Based on the problem of final disposal of offshore water-based drilling cuttings, the feasibility of using water-based drilling cuttings as raw materials to prepare cement clinker was studied. Methods The influences of different calcination temperature on the properties of the final products were investigated and the optimum preparation procedure were determined. Results Under the optimal preparation conditions (KH=0.92, SM=2.18, IM=1.61,950 ℃ for 30 min and calcination temperature at 1 400 ℃ for 40 min), the properties of cement clinker can meet the requirements of the national standard GB 175-2007 Common Portland Cement(f-CaO<1%, 0.76% of 0.8 μm sieve allowance, 168 min of initial setting time, 282 min of final setting time, and 45.86 MPa of 28 days compressive strength), and the leaching concentration of the heavy metal were lower than the safety limit of GB 30760-2014 Technical Specification for Coprocessing of Solid Waste in Cement Kiln. Conclusion sThe addition of water-based drilling cuttings can not only reduce the calcination temperature of cement clinker, but also do not change the main mineral phases of cement clinker. This can provide a reliable solution to reuse the water-based drilling cuttings from offshore oil and gas fields.
Key words:  water-based offshore drilling cuttings  clinker  calcination temperature  leaching toxicity