引用本文:高多龙,蔡华洋,吕文静,孙艳,石鑫,魏晓静,等. 管道外防腐层补口技术国家标准与国际标准对比分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(1): 118-124.
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1.中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司 ;2.中国石化缝洞型油藏提高采收率重点实验室 ;3.哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与化学工程学院 ;4.哈尔滨哈船新材料科技有限公司
从管道补口防腐层的分类、补口材料、补口防腐层的施工以及补口防腐层的性能指标,对比分析了GB/T 51241-2017和ISO 21809-3:2016关于管道外防腐层补口技术的规定。相比GB/T 51241-2017,ISO 21809-3:2016针对补口类型分类更详细;对于热收缩材料补口防腐层,ISO 21809-3:2016中设计温度规定更细致,GB/T 51241-2017对热收缩材料厚度的规定更为具体,并且还规定了原材料的性能要求;两个标准对热收缩材料补口防腐层的表面预处理要求以及施工工艺规程基本相同;在施工环境和热缩材料在管体防腐层的搭接量的规定上,GB/T 51241-2017更为严格。对于热收缩材料补口防腐层的性能指标方面,ISO 21809-3:2016增加了压痕抗力、搭接剪切强度等性能指标,两个标准对热收缩材料补口防腐层耐阴极剥离性能要求基本一致。 
关键词:  管道  补口技术  热收缩材料  防腐涂层  标准
Comparative analysis on national standards and international standards for field joint coatings technology of pipelines
Gao Duolong1,2, Cai Huayang3,4, Lyu Wenjing4, Sun Yan4, Shi Xin1,2, Wei Xiaojing1,2, Ge Pengli1,2, Shao Yawei3,4
1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. Sinopec Key Laboratory of Enhanced Recovery of Fracture-Cave Reservoirs, Urumqi, Xinjing, China;3. College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China;4. Harbin HEU Ship Materials Company, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
In this paper, some regulations on the field joint coatings technology of pipeline outer anti-corrosion layer in GB/T 51241-2017 standard and ISO 21809-3:2016 standard are compaired and analyzed , such as the classification and material of the field joint coatings, the construction and performance index of the field joint coatings. Compared with the national standard GB/T 51241-2017, more detailed classification for the types of field joint coatings were listed in ISO 21809-3:2016 standard. The design temperature is relatively more meticulous for the heat-shrinkable materials in ISO 21809-3:2016, but the thickness of heat-shrinkable materials and the performance requirements of raw materials are more specific in GB/T 51241-2017. The requirements about surface treatment for heat-shrinkable materials are basically same in the two standards. In terms of the construction environment and the amount of overlap of heat-shrinkable materials on the pipeline, the requirements are more stricter in GB/T 51241-2017. ISO 21809-3:2016 adds performance indicators such as indentation resistance and lap shear strength to the performance indexes of anti-corrosive coating of heat shrinkable materials. The requirements of cathodic disbondment resistance indicators of heat shrinkable material are basically the same in two standards.
Key words:  pipeline  field joint coatings  heat-shrinkable materials  anti-corrosion coating  standards