引用本文:张超,方友,金海刚,郑港西. 加氢裂化装置生产工业白油的技术开发与工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 25-30.
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目的 降低炼厂的柴汽比,提高企业经济效益。方法 对惠州石化4.0 Mt/a蜡油加氢裂化装置生产5号工业白油的可行性进行了分析,认为通过提高柴油馏分初馏点实现生产5号工业白油产品是可行的。前期,装置已通过主分馏塔降压调整、增设蒸汽汽提塔和原柴油汽提塔再沸器改蒸汽汽提工艺3种方式提高柴油初馏点,均未取得良好的运行效果。鉴于以上3种工艺的局限性,开发了热氮气气提工艺,工艺采用热氮气气提替代柴油汽提塔塔底再沸器,主分馏塔塔顶排出不凝气,以维持塔压稳定。结果 该工艺实施后,装置生产合格白油60 t/h,航煤产量增加14 t/h,不凝气产量增加1.3 t/h,不再产柴油产品;白油产品开口闪点由85 ℃提高至126 ℃,解决了开口闪点低和产品含水问题。结论 采用该工艺生产的5号工业白油产品性质稳定,满足行业指标的要求,装置改造工程量小,经济效益显著,对国内外同类装置的生产优化具有重要的借鉴意义。 
关键词:  加氢裂化  热氮气气提  工业白油
Technical development and industrial application of producing industrial white oil by hydrocracking unit
Zhang Chao1, Fang You2, Jin Haigang1, Zheng Gangxi2
1. CNOOC Petrochemical Engineering Company Limited, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. CNOOC Huizhou Petrochemical Company Limited, Huizhou, Guangdong, China
Objective To reduce the ratio of diesel to gasoline in refinery and improve the economic benefit of enterprise. Methods The feasibility of producing 5# industrial white oil in 4.0×106 t/a wax oil hydrocracking unit of Huizhou Petrochemical Company was analyzed. It is considered feasible to produce 5# industrial white oil by raising the initial boiling point of diesel fraction. In the early stage, the plant tried to raise the initial boiling point of diesel by reducing the pressure of the main fractionator, adding a steam stripper and changing the reboiler of the original diesel stripper to the steam stripping process, but hadn’t achieved good operation effect. In view of the limitations of above three processes, the hot nitrogen stripping process was developed in this project. The process used hot nitrogen stripping to replace the reboiler at the bottom of the diesel stripper, and the non-condensable gas was discharged from the top of the main fractionator to maintain tower pressure stably. Results After the implementation of the nitrogen stripping process, the output of white oil products was 60 t/h, kerosene output increased by 14 t/h, non-condensable gas output increased by 1.3 t/h, and diesel product was no longer produced. The open flash point of white oil products increased from 85 ℃ to 126 ℃, which solved the problems of low open flash point and water contained in product. Conclusion sThe 5# industrial white oil products produced by this process is stable in property and meet the requirements of the industry indicators. Meanwhile, the reform work is small and the economic benefit is remarkable, which has important reference significance for the production optimization of similar plants at home and abroad.
Key words:  hydrocracking  hot nitrogen stripping  industrial white oil