引用本文:何彦庆,陈青,吴婷婷,曾琳娟,王玉婷,罗鑫,等. 页岩气水平井井筒积液流动规律研究——以C01井区为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(2): 77-82.
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1.油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室·成都理工大学 ;2.中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司安全环保质量监督检测研究院 ;3.四川长宁天然气开发有限责任公司;4.四川圣诺油气工程技术服务有限公司
目的 C01井区页岩气井开采中后期,天然能量不足,井筒积液普遍,准确实时识别积液位置困难,导致排水采气工艺实施效果欠佳,故需针对井筒积液流动进行研究。方法 基于C01井区积液现状,在Beggs持液率模型的基础上,使用生产数据及井筒流型对持液率模型进行修正,从而可以准确地实时识别积液位置,与生产测井剖面实测数据进行对比,验证了修正模型的准确性;基于实际页岩气井钻井数据建立了页岩气井的全井段几何模型,实现了气液两相流动模拟,分析了井型对积液位置的影响。结果 修正的持液率模型在页岩气井中应用时,其平均相对误差为6.66%,可以为现场提供较为准确的积液位置识别;数值模拟结果表明,下倾型和上倾型页岩气水平井由于能量衰减导致造斜段易形成积液。结论 应用修正的持液率模型计算积液位置显示,页岩气水平井造斜段易形成积液;数值模拟结果与修正的持液率模型应用计算结果符合,通过使用预测的生产数据可以对井筒积液位置进行预判。 
关键词:  页岩气水平井  井筒积液  积液流动规律  持液率模型  积液数值模拟
Research on the flow law of shale gas in horizontal wellbore: Taking C01 well area as an example
He Yanqing1, Chen Qing1, Wu Tingting2, Zeng Linjuan1, Wang Yuting1, Luo Xin3, Yang Hai4
1. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Safety and Environmental Protection Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Deyang, Sichuan, China;3. Sichuan Changning Natural Gas Development Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China;4. Sichuan Shengnuo Oil & Gas Engineering Technology Service Co., Ltd., Deyang, Sichuan, China
Objective In the middle and late stages of shale gas well development in C01 well area, natural energy is insufficient and wellbore fluid accumulation is common. As a result, the implementation effect of drainage gas recovery technology is not good, it is necessary to study the wellbore fluid flow. Methods Based on the current situation of fluid accumulation in C01 well area, the Beggs fluid holdup model is revised by using production data and wellbore flow patterns. It is compared with the measured data of the production logging profile, the accuracy of the modified model is verified. Besides, based on the actual shale gas wellbore data, a geometric model of the entire shale gas well was established that realized the simulation of gas-liquid two-phase flow and analyzed the influence of well type on the location of fluid accumulation. Results When the modified liquid holdup model is applied in shale gas wells, the average relative error is 6.66%, which can provide a more accurate identification of the location of fluid accumulation on site. Numerical simulation results show that down-dip and up-dip shale gas horizontal wells tend to form fluid accumulation in the deflection section. Conclusion sThe application of the modified liquid holdup model to calculate the liquid accumulation position shows that the shale gas horizontal well is prone to liquid accumulation in the deflection section. The results of numerical simulation are consistent with the calculated results of the modified liquid holdup model. And the location of wellbore fluid accumulation can be predicted by using the predicted production data.
Key words:  shale gas horizontal well  liquid loading  flow law of gas  liquid holdup model  numerical simulation