引用本文:崔连来. 天然气深冷工艺装置提高乙烷收率工艺技术的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 65-70.
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目的 针对天然气深冷工艺装置中因原料气气量下降、气质变贫造成C2+轻烃收率下降、装置运行难度大等导致装置乙烷收率降低的问题,采用调配较富原料气气源、原料气中补充丙烷和原料气中补充丁烷等措施开展提高装置乙烷收率的工艺技术研究。方法 基于建立的工艺模型,对比核算原料气中补充丙烷和丁烷对提高乙烷产量的影响,考查分析原料气中补充丙烷和丁烷对改善脱甲烷塔运行状况的效果。结果 经现场验证得出,通过调配榆济线优质气源和补充丙烷等措施可有效提高装置乙烷收率,乙烷产品年产量可增加1 438.54 t,乙烷收率由62%提高至70%。结论 该工艺的应用不仅可以获得经济效益256.88 万元/年,而且具有较大的推广价值。 
关键词:  天然气  深冷工艺装置  提高  乙烷收率  工艺技术
Research and application of improving ethane recovery rate approaches in natural gas cryogenic unit
Cui Lianlai
Zhongyuan Oil Field Company of Sinopec, Puyang, Henan, China
Objective Aiming at the problems of decreasing natural gas capacity and poor gas composition resulting in low C2+ hydrocarbon recovery rate and difficult operation in natural gas cryogenic unit, approaches of scheduling rich natural gas resources, increasing propane and butane into feed gas are adopted to improve ethane recovery rate. Base on the process model, the effects of increasing propane and butane into feed gas on improving ethane production and operation conditions of the demethanizer were compared and investigated respectively. Results After the application of these high efficient process in the natural gas cryogenic unit and field test,the annual ethane production has already increased 1 438.54 tons, ethane recovery rate has also improved from 62% to 70%. Conclusion sThe implementation of this measure can not only obtain economic benefits of CNY 2 568 880 per year, but also has a good prospect of promotion and application.
Key words:  natural gas  cryogenic unit  improve  ethane recovery rate  process technology