引用本文:林日亿,于程浩,杨恒林,吕向阳,冯明,王新伟,等. 超深水平井钻井液循环温度场模拟计算与分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 91-97.
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目的 钻井液温度对钻具进给和导向工具的选择具有重要意义,为了有效指导深层页岩气水平钻井过程,获得准确的钻井过程全井段温度分布,进行了深层钻井温度场研究。方法 基于能量守恒和热阻法建立了井筒流动传热模型,采用有限差分方式,计算获得钻井过程全井段温度剖面,准确预测了钻井过程钻井液温度场,误差在5%以内。分析了钻井液流量、入口温度和循环时间对井筒温度场分布的影响规律。结果 循环钻井液整体温度随循环时间的增加而下降;提高钻井液循环流量可有效降低井筒内温度,流量由8 t/h提升至16 t/h,井底温度降低10 ℃;钻井液入口温度对深层钻井的长水平段影响较低,入口温度变化20 ℃,井底温度仅改变3 ℃。结论 采用延长循环时间和增加循环钻井液流量的方法可以显著提升钻井过程的冷却效果。 
关键词:  深层水平井  页岩气  钻井  温度场
Temperature field simulation and analysis of drilling fluid circulation in super deep horizontal wells
Lin Riyi1, Yu Chenghao1, Yang Henglin2, Lyu Xiangyang1, Feng Ming2, Wang Xinwei1, Zhu Tanxiao1
1. College of New Energy, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. CNPC Engineering Technology R&D Company Limited, Beijing, China
Objective The temperature of the drilling fluid has great significance of the selection of drilling tool feed and steering tools. In order to effectively guide the horizontal drilling process of deep shale gas and obtain accurate temperature distribution throughout the well section of the drilling process, deep drilling temperature field research has been carried out. Methods A model was established with energy conservation and thermal resistance methods. The flow heat transfer model used the finite difference method to calculate the temperature profile of the entire well during the drilling process, and accurately predicted the temperature field of the drilling fluid during the drilling process with an error of less than 5%. The effects of drilling fluid flow, inlet temperature and circulation time on wellbore temperature distribution are analyzed. Results The overall temperature of the drilling fluid in the circulation process decreased with the increase of the circulation time. Increasing the circulation flow of the drilling fluid can effectively reduce the temperature in the wellbore. The flow rate increased from 8 t/h to 16 t/h, and the bottom hole temperature reduced by 10 ℃. The inlet temperature had little effect on the long horizontal section of deep drilling. The inlet temperature changed by 20 ℃, and the bottom hole temperature only changed by 3 ℃. Conclusion The methods of extending the circulation time and increasing the flow of circulating drilling fluid can significantly improve the cooling effect of the drilling process.
Key words:  deep horizontal well  shale gas  drilling  temperature field