引用本文:鲍文,杨朝锋,张春威,胡耀强. 油田CO2驱受益单井计量装置研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 125-131.
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目的 提升延安地区某油田CO2驱先导试验区受益井生产管理水平,更好地对CO2驱先导试验实施效果进行系统的评价。方法 采用立式双容积式计量结构,设计了压力平衡管,应用GN704新型疏油疏水材料,并集成CO2气体和含水分析仪、气体流量计等设备,研发出一套智能化油井计量装置。结果 该计量装置产液计量误差小于4%,含水率计量误差小于4%,伴生气计量误差小于7%。结论 该装置结构紧凑,气液分离效果好,可实现油田单井油气水三相计量及伴生气中CO2含量分析,并能有效解决冬季原油挂壁对计量精度准确度影响的问题,对CO2-EOR技术应用效果评价和现场推广有重要意义。
关键词:  CO2  双容积  疏油  疏水材料  三相计量
Research and application of single well metering device for CO2 flooding in oilfield
Bao Wen, Yang Zhaofeng, Zhang Chunwei, Hu Yaoqiang
Research Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum(Group)Co., Ltd, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Objective Improve the production management level of beneficial wells in CO2 flooding pilot test area of an oilfield in Yan’an area, better and systematically evaluate the implementation effect of CO2 flooding pilot test. Methods A set of intelligent oil well metering device is developed by adopting a vertical double-volume metering structure, designed a pressure balance tube, applying GN704 new oleophobic and hydrophobic material, and integrating CO2 gas and water analyzer, gas flowmeter and other equipment. Results The field test results show that the measurement error of liquid production is less than 4%, the measurement error of water content is less than 4%, and the measurement error of associated gas is less than 7%. Conclusion sThe device has a compact structure and a good gas-liquid separation effect, which can realize the three-phase measurement of oil, gas and water in a single well and the analysis of CO2 content in associated gas, and also can effectively solve the problem of the impact of crude oil hanging on the measurement accuracy in winter. It is of great significance to the application effect evaluation and field popularization of CO2-EOR technology.
Key words:  CO2  double volume  oleophobic  hydrophobic material  three-phase measurement