引用本文:林丽丽,张太亮,赵寒枫,杨龙. 咪唑类离子液体协同正丁醇处理油基钻屑的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 137-144.
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目的 解决在使用溶剂萃取法处理油基钻屑的过程中,有机溶剂作为萃取剂存在闪点低、易挥发、安全隐患大等的问题。方法 对比正丁醇采用具有安全性高、萃取能力强的咪唑类离子液体协同正丁醇处理油基钻屑。结果 通过对比可知,溴化1-乙酸-3-十八烷基咪唑离子液体与正丁醇质量比为1.0∶10.0,钻屑与萃取剂质量比为1∶3,萃取40 min,6 000 r/min离心5 min,萃取率可达到99.19%,钻屑中含油率从23.30%降至0.19%,萃取剂闭口闪点从35 ℃提高至57 ℃,危险等级从Ⅱ级降至Ⅲ级,蒸气压从0.739 kPa降至0.476 kPa,极大地提高了正丁醇的安全性能。结论 离子液体协同正丁醇,极大地提高了其闪点,降低了其蒸气压。 
关键词:  咪唑类离子液体  油基钻屑  溶剂萃取  正丁醇
Study on treatment of oil-based drilling cuttings with imidazole ionic liquids and n-butanol
Lin Lili, Zhang Tailiang, Zhao Hanfeng, Yang Long
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Solve the problems of low flash point, high volatility and significant safety risks with traditional organic extractants in the process of treating oil-based drill cuttings. Methods Compared with n-butanol, imidazole-based ionic liquid with high safety and strong extraction ability was used to treat oil-based drilling cuttings in conjunction with n-butanol. Results By comparison, the extraction rate could reach 99.19% and the oil contents of the drill cuttings was shown to be reduced from 23.30% to 0.19% under the following conditions:the mass ratio of brominated 1-acetic acid-3-octadecylimidazolium ionic liquid to n-butanol at 1.0∶10.0, the mass ratio of drilling cuttings to extraction agent at 1∶3, the extraction time for 40 min, the rotation speed at 6 000 r/min, and the centrifugation time for 5 min. Meanwhile, the closed flash point of the extractant increased from 35 ℃ to 57 ℃, the risk grade dropped from level Ⅱ to level Ⅲ, and the saturated vapor pressure reduced from 0.739 kPa to 0.476 kPa. The results clearly demonstrated that the safety performance of n-butanol has been greatly improved. Conclusion sThe addition of ionic liquid in n-butanol could greatly increase the flash point of the extractants and reduce its saturated vapor pressure.
Key words:  imidazole ionic liquid  oil-based drill cuttings  solvent extraction  n-butanol