引用本文:廖铁,肖权根,胡贵运,苏梦瑶,廖品全,何涌. 万州高含硫天然气净化装置自用气优化方案探索[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(3): 151-156.
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目的 商品气率是天然气净化装置重要的经济运行考核指标,阐述了关于提升商品气率的一些研究。方法 运用数学分析法,对天然气净化总厂万州分厂现有装置进行了建模分析,最终选择减少自耗气量的方案。根据分析结果,选择从热量消耗最大的部分,即重沸器蒸汽量开始研究,初步拟定两种方向的调整:一方面,通过提升MDEA质量分数、降低循环量的方式,降低单位溶液单次再生消耗的热量;另一方面,通过调整重沸器蒸汽量的方式,减少供给溶液体系中水分的冗余热量。结果 调整后有较好的节能降耗增产效果,自用气量降低了近25%,同时将商品气率提高至89%。结论 通过调整重沸器热量供给,并辅以其余调整,对减少自用气有明显的作用。 
关键词:  天然气  高含硫  净化装置  自用气  降本增效
Discussion on optimization plan for self-use gas of Wanzhou high sulfur natural gas purification unit
Liao Tie1, Xiao Quangen1, Hu Guiyun2, Su Mengyao1, Liao Pinquan1, He Yong1
1.Wanzhou Branch of Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China;2. Southern Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Luzhou, Sichuan, China
Objective The commercial gas rate is an important economic operation assessment index for natural gas purification devices. The paper introduces some studies on improving the commercial gas rate of the natural gas purification. Methods Based on mathematical analysis, the existing equipment of Wanzhou Branch of Natural Gas Purification Plant General was modeled and analyzed, and a plan to reduce self-consumption of gas was finally selected. According to the analysis results, the study was started from the part with the largest heat consumption, that is, the steam volume of the reboiler, and two adjustments were proposed initially:on the one hand, by increasing the MDEA mass fraction and reducing the circulation volume, heat consumed per each regeneration for unit solution was reduced; on the other hand, by adjusting the steam volume of the reboiler, redundant heat which supply the water in the solution system was also reduced. Results It is found that above adjustments contributed to energy saving, consumption reduction and production increase, which has reduced the self-use gas by nearly 25% and elevated the commercial gas rate to 89%. Conclusion sBy adjusting the heat supply of the reboiler and supplemented by other measures, it has obvious effects on the reduction of self-use gas.
Key words:  natural gas  high sulfur content  purification device  self-use gas  cost reduction and efficiency increase