引用本文:王新跟,沈昱明. 高压氢气压缩因子计算模型研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(4): 38-42, 50.
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目的 针对目前高压氢气圧缩因子计算方法精度不足的问题,经比较后得出高压氢气压缩因子的精确计算模型。方法 讨论了几种计算高压氢气压缩因子的计算模型,包括直线方程、Virial(维里)方程、Van der Waals方程和Redlich and Kwong方程。对NIST提供的高压氢气密度数据换算为压缩因子数据,并对由模型计算的压缩因子与NIST数据作了比较。结果 在温度200~293 K、压力10~60 MPa范围内,Redlich and Kwong方程计算精度<1%。当p/T≥1 MPa/K时,NIST提供的高压氢气压缩因子数据可以拟合成一个直线方程,线性误差<0.55%。结论 采用Redlich and Kwong方程在较宽的温度、压力范围内计算高压氢气压缩因子可以获得较高的精确性。 
关键词:  石油天然气  高压氢气  压缩因子  计算模型  NIST 数据
Research on computational models of high-pressure hydrogen compression factor
Wang Xingen, Shen Yuming
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Objective In view of the lack of accuracy of the current calculation methods of high-pressure hydrogen compression factor, an accurate calculation model of high-pressure hydrogen compression factor is obtained through comparison. Methods Several calculation models for calculating the compression factor of high-pressure hydrogen were discussed, including linear equation, Virial equation, Van der Waals equation and Redlich and Kwong equation. Converting NIST density data to compression factor data, the compression factor of high-pressure hydrogen calculated by the models were compared with NIST data. Results The computational accuracy of Redlich and Kwong equation is less than 1% at 200-293 K and 10-60 MPa. When p/T≥1 MPa/K, the compression factor data of high-pressure hydrogen from NIST can be fitted into a linear equation, and linear error <0.55%. Conclusion Using Redlich and Kwong equation to calculate the compression factor of high-pressure hydrogen in a wide range of temperature and pressure can obtain high accuracy.
Key words:  oil and gas  high-pressure hydrogen  compression factor  computational model  NIST data