引用本文:石彦,谢建勇,谢俊辉,梁成刚,鄢雨,韩慧玲,等. 吉木萨尔页岩油H2S成因分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(4): 64-68.
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目的 针对吉木萨尔页岩油生产过程中存在的H2S问题,开展了H2S成因分析。方法 对硫元素同位素和SRB种类、生物成因反应条件进行了分析。结果 实验表明,吉木萨尔页岩油H2S为生物成因,产出液中SRB、SO2-4含量与井口H2S含量呈正相关, 通过16SrRNA技术鉴定出适宜30 ~40 ℃中温型的SRB 3种,适应60~100 ℃高温型的SRB 6种,在温度为35~100 ℃、矿化度为(0.2~8.0)×104 mg/L、pH值为4~9范围内均可正常生长,满足生物成因的条件。SRB可依赖压裂液大量繁殖,促进了H2S的形成。结论 针对生物成因,制定了以杀菌剂替代化学除硫剂的工艺,现场试验8井次,井口H2S含量降至安全阈限值以下,同比除硫费用降低40.9%,为有效治理H2S提供了依据。 
关键词:  页岩油  H2S  硫同位素  SRB  生物成因
Causes analysis of hydrogen sulfide in Jimusar shale oil
Shi Yan1, Xie Jianyong2, Xie Junhui1, Liang Chenggang2, Yan Yu1, Han Huiling1, Chen Lei2
1. Zhundong Oil Production Plant, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang, Xinjiang, China;2. Jiqing Oil Operation Department, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Jimusar, Xinjiang, China
Objective In view of the hydrogen sulfide problem in the production process of Jimusar shale oil, the cause of hydrogen sulfide was analyzed. Methods The isotopes of sulfur element,sulfate-reducing bacteria species and the reaction conditions of biological cause were analyzed. Results The experiment showed that the tormation reason of hydrogen sulfide in Jimusar shale oil was biological cause, the content of sulfate-reducing bacteria and sulfurate ions in the output fluid were positively correlated with the concentration of hydrogen sulfide at the wellhead. Three kinds of medium-temperature sulfate-reducing bacteria suitable for 30-40 ℃ were identified through 16SrRNA technology, and six kinds of high temperature sulfate-reducing bacteria suitable for 60-100 ℃ were also determined. They can grow normally under the conditions of temperatures of 35-100 ℃, mineralization of (0.2-8.0)×104 mg/L, and pH value of 4-9, which can meet the conditions of biological cause. Sulfate-reducing bacteria can multiply in large numbers by fracturing fluid and promote the formation of hydrogen sulfide. Conclusion sAiming at the biological cause, a process of replacing chemical sulfur remover with a fungicide was developed, and 8 wells were tested on site,the hydrogen sulfide concentration fell below the safety threshold, the cost of sulfur removal decreased by 40.9% compared with the same period,which provided a basis for effective treatment.
Key words:  shale oil  hydrogen sulfide  sulfur isotope  sulfate-reducing bacteria(SRB)  biological cause