引用本文:曾德智,袁海富,孙天礼,何欢,朱国,杜友如. 元坝气田埋地柔性钢骨架复合管非开挖检测分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(4): 80-83, 94.
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1.油气藏及地质开发工程国家重点实验室·西南石油大学 ;2.中国石化西南油气分公司采气二厂;3.四川吉石科技有限公司
目的 为评估元坝气田污水输送复合管的完整性,提出了一种针对埋地柔性钢骨架复合管的非开挖检测方法。方法 该方法依据电位梯度值判定管道的完整性,首先使用交流电位差测量仪检测管线上方电位梯度值,判断管线防护层是否存在破损并确定破损点位置;然后对破损处电位梯度值进行分级,并确定防腐层破损程度;最后利用GPS定位测量仪对破损点进行精确定位。结果 利用该技术对元坝气田污水管线进行无损检测,共检测出5处防腐层破损点,开挖验证后发现各处防腐层均有不同程度的损伤,破损情况与检测结果吻合。结论 提出的非开挖检测方法可以实现埋地柔性钢骨架复合管的无损检测,可精确定位出柔性钢骨架复合管的防腐层破损点,检测结果准确可靠。 
关键词:  管道完整性  柔性钢骨架复合管  防腐层  非开挖检测
Trenchless detection analysis of buried flexible steel framed composite pipe in Yuanba gasfield
Zeng Dezhi1, Yuan Haifu1, Sun Tianli2, He Huan2, Zhu Guo2, Du Youru3
1. State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploration, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. No.2 Gas Production Plant of Southwest Oil and Gas Branch, Sinopec, Langzhong, Sichuan, China;3. Sichuan Jishi Technology Co., Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective In order to evaluate the integrity of the composite pipe for sewage transportation in Yuanba gasfield, a trenchless detection method for the buried flexible steel frame composite pipe was proposed. Methods The integrity of the pipeline was judged by the potential gradient value. Firstly, the potential gradient value above the pipeline was detected by the AC potential difference measuring instrument to judge whether the pipeline protection layer is damaged and determine the location of the damaged point. Then, the potential gradient value of the damaged area was classified and the damage degree of the anti-corrosion layer was determined. Finally, the precise location of the damaged point was carried out by using GPS. Results The technique was applied to the non-destructive testing of wastewater pipelines in Yuanba gasfield, and five failure points of anti-corrosion coating were detected. After excavation verification, there were various degrees of damage to the anti-corrosion layers, which were consistent with the detection results. Conclusion sThe proposed trenchless detection method can realize non-destructive testing of buried flexible steel frame composite pipe, and accurately locate the damage point of the anticorrosion layer of the flexible steel frame composite pipe, The testing results are accurate and reliable.
Key words:  pipeline integrity  flexible steel frame composite pipe  anticorrosive layer  trenchless detection