引用本文:王国云,李长俊,贾文龙. 混氢天然气管道标准孔板流量计适应性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(4): 101-106.
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目的 将氢气掺入天然气管道中会改变管道内气体的性质和流动状态,可能会影响标准孔板流量计计量准确度,采用ANSYSY Fluent对混氢天然气管道标准孔板流量计进行适应性研究。方法 比较了不同混氢量的天然气对流出系数、可膨胀系数、相对密度系数、超压缩系数、流速及差压的影响。结果 在303.15 K、3 MPa,混氢量为0%~30%的条件下,随着混氢量的增加,会导致差压上升;导致相对密度系数、可膨胀系数和超压缩系数下降;导致流速上升,使测量流量增加。结论 由于氢气的发热量低于天然气,因此,针对混氢天然气,建议采用能量计量。混氢天然气不会对标准孔板流量计准确度产生较大影响。 
关键词:  混氢天然气  标准孔板  流量计  仿真  误差分析
Study on adaptability of standard orifice plate flowmeter for hydrogen-mixed natural gas pipeline
Wang Guoyun1, Li Changjun1,2, Jia Wenlong1,2
1. School of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China ;2. CNPC Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Major, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Mixing hydrogen into natural gas pipeline will change the gas properties and flow state in the pipeline, which may affect the measurement accuracy of orifice flowmeter. ANSYSY Fluent is used to study the adaptability of the standard orifice flowmeter for hydrogen-mixed natural gas pipeline. Methods The effects of natural gas with different hydrogen-mixted content on outflow coefficient, expansion coefficient, relative density coefficient, supercompression coefficient, flow rate and differential pressure were compared. Results At 303.15 K and 3 MPa, the differential pressure increased with the increase of hydrogen-mixted content from 0% to 30%. The relative density coefficient, expansion coefficient and supercompression coefficient decrease. The flow rate rises, and the measured flow increases. Conclusion sFor the calorific value of hydrogen is lower than that of natural gas, energy measurement is recommended for hydrogen-mixed natural gas, which doesn't have a great impact on the accuracy of standard orifice flowmeter.
Key words:  hydrogen-natural gas mixture  standard orifice plate  flowmeter  simulation  error analysis