引用本文:涂连涛,雷小春,董改利,张卫成,马向伟. 加氢裂化装置加工高硫原料油问题分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(4): 119-124.
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目的 为管控加氢裂化装置加工高硫原料油带来的风险,对加工高硫原料油导致的生产问题进行全面总结,对REAC系统腐蚀原因进行重点分析。方法 逐项计算影响REAC系统腐蚀的主要参数,与设计规范或有关研究成果对比。结果 通过分析可知,循环氢H2S体积分数上升,造成REAC系统腐蚀因子Kp、H2S分压上升,导致REAC空冷管束和出口弯头腐蚀加剧。结论 加工高硫原料油对加氢裂化装置的长周期平稳运行造成严重的不利影响,建议在成品柴油需求下降时,将硫质量分数较低的直馏柴油掺入加氢裂化原料,一方面增产航煤和尾油,降低柴汽比,另一方面降低原料硫质量分数。建议在生产操作过程中严格控制循环氢H2S体积分数,确保腐蚀因子Kp<0.2。 
关键词:    循环氢  H2S  Kp  腐蚀
Analysis on problems of processing high-sulfur feedstock in hydrocracking unit
Tu Liantao, Lei Xiaochun, Dong Gaili, Zhang Weicheng, Ma Xiangwei
PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Dushanzi, Xinjiang, China
Objective Aiming at controlling the risks of processing high-sulfur feedstock in hydrocracking unit, production problems are comprehensively summarized and the corrosion causes of REAC system are emphatically analyzed. Methods The main parameters affecting the corrosion of REAC system were calculated item by item which was subsequently compared with the design specifications or related studies. Results It can be seen from the analysis that the increase in the volume fraction of H2S in circulating gas would result in the increase of the corrosion factor Kp and H2S partial pressure of REAC system, which ultimately enhance the corrosion of REAC air cooling tube bundle and the outlet elbow. Conclusion sThe processing of high-sulfur feedstock has serious adverse effects on the smooth operation of hydrocracking unit in long term. Several suggestions were given as follows:(1) Straight-run diesel with low sulfur content should be added into hydrocracking feedstock when the product diesel demand drops,so as to increase jet fuel and tail oil, reduce diesel-gasoline ratio, and meanwhile reduce sulfur contents of feedstock; (2) The volume fraction of H2S in circulating gas should be strictly controlled during production operation to ensure the corrosion factor Kp<0.2.
Key words:  sulfur  circulating gas  H2S  corrosion factor(Kp)  corrosion