引用本文:李鹏,赵德银,刘英杰,邵勇华,刘传磊,孙辉. 塔河油田伴生气分离产品甲硫醇分布模拟及工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 9-15.
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目的 为了解决塔河油田高含有机硫油田伴生气中有机硫脱除的难题,进行油田伴生气加工过程中甲硫醇分布模拟及工艺优化研究。方法 采用Aspen Plus和HYSYS软件模拟计算了MDEA溶剂胺洗脱硫后油田伴生气进一步分离得到干气、液化气和轻烃产品中甲硫醇的分布。针对液化气中总硫含量超标的问题,提出工艺优化方案并在工业装置上实施,考查优化效果。结果 甲硫醇的富集是造成液化气产品中总硫含量超标的主要因素。模拟计算结果表明,通过方案二与方案三的组合,可将液化气中甲硫醇质量浓度由470.44 mg/m3降至240.14 mg/m3,总硫质量浓度(以硫计)为272.94 mg/m3结论 工业装置实施改造后,液化气产品中总硫质量浓度可控制在330 mg/m3以下,达到GB 11174-2011《液化石油气》规定的液化气产品中总硫含量控制指标。 
关键词:  油田伴生气  甲硫醇  总硫  脱硫  流程模拟
Simulation of methyl mercaptan distribution in products from Tahe oil field associated gas and processes optimization
Li Peng1, Zhao Deyin1, Liu Yingjie1, Shao Yonghua1, Liu Chuanlei2, Sun Hui2
1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. Petroleum Processing Research Center, School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China
Objective In order to achieve the effective removal of organosulfur from Tahe oil field associated gas, the simulation of methyl mercaptan distribution in products from Tahe oil field associated gas and processes optimization were studied. Methods Aspen Plus and HYSYS software were used to simulate the distributions of methyl mercaptan in different products including natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and light hydrocarbons. Aiming at the problem of excessive total sulfur content in liquefied gas, the process optimization scheme was proposed and implemented in industrial unit to examine the optimization effect. Results The enrichment of methyl mercaptan was the main factor causing excessive total sulfur content in LPG products. The simulation results showed that the mass concentration of mercaptan in LPG could be reduced from 470.44 mg/m3 to 240.14 mg/m3 using the combination of strategy 2 and strategy 3, and the total sulfur mass concentration was 272.94 mg/m3 (sulfide content is presented on the basis of elemental sulfur). Conclusion sAfter modifying the industrial equipment, the total sulfur mass concentration in LPG product can be controlled below 330 mg/m3, which meets the requirement of total sulfur content specified in GB 11174-2011 Liquefied petroleum gases.
Key words:  oilfield associated gas  methyl mercaptan  total sulfur  desulfurization  process simulation