引用本文:王小强,景媛媛,蔡小霞,杨利斌,程中克,李博. 乙烷-丙烷共裂解技术优化研究与工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(5): 65-70.
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目的 对乙烷和丙烷共裂解技术进行优化。方法 采用KBR公司的BSPA乙烯裂解评价试验装置,分别对乙烷和丙烷单独裂解及按不同比例掺混共裂解技术进行优化试验研究。结果 乙烷掺入比例为20%~90%(w)时,乙烯、双烯和三烯收率得到提高;乙烷掺入比例为80%~90%(w)时,效果最佳,乙烯、双烯和三烯收率最高分别达到55.28%、56.05%、58.01%。结论 将优化研究结果应用于工业乙烯裂解装置,在整体裂解原料中轻质裂解原料占比下降超过10%的情况下,总乙烯收率和双烯收率不下降,取得比较显著的工业应用效果。 
关键词:  乙烷  丙烷  共裂解  工业应用
Optimization study and industrial application of ethane-propane co-cracking technology
Wang Xiaoqiang, Jing Yuanyuan, Cai Xiaoxia, Yang Libin, Cheng Zhongke, Li Bo
Lanzhou Chemical Research Center, PetroChina, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
Objective The co-cracking technology of ethane and propane is optimized. Methods The BSPA ethylene cracking evaluation test equipment of KBR company is used to optimize the separate cracking of ethane and propane and the blending cracking technology according to different ratios in the laboratory. Results When the blend proportion of ethane is 20%-90%, the yields of ethylene, diene and triene are increased. When the blend proportion of ethane is 80%-90%, the highest yields of ethylene, diene and triene are 55.28%, 56.05% and 58.01%, respectively. Conclusion The optimized result is applied in industrial ethylene cracking plant, the total ethylene yield and the diene yield don’t decrease when the proportion of light cracking feedstock in the whole cracking feedstock reduced more than 10%, and the remarkable industrial application effect has been obtained.
Key words:  ethane  propane  co-cracking  industrial application