引用本文:张涛,马国光,冷南江,彭豪,熊祚帅,雷洋,等. 某油田深冷空分制氮工艺优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 61-69, 76.
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目的 某大型油田采用深冷空分制氮工艺获取氮气来注氮驱油,为改善该工艺比功耗高、氮收率低等问题,利用中心复合旋转设计(CCRD)响应面分析法进行生产运行参数优化。方法 基于HYSYS软件建立深冷空分制氮流程,并对工艺中的关键运行参数进行单因素分析,由此确立各参数优化选值区间,利用CCRD响应面分析法在区间内进行参数寻优。结果 以工艺的比功耗最小为目标,使用工艺运行参数的最佳组合,优化后的流程氮气产量从16 905 m3/h增加到18 541 m3/h,提高了9.68%;氮气中氧摩尔分数从0.000 26%下降到0.000 24%,降低了7.7%;氮收率从70.92%上升到77.75%,增加了9.63%;比功耗从0.374 5 kW·h/m3下降到0.345 7 kW·h/m3,减少了7.69%。结论 利用CCRD响应面法进行生产运行参数优化对存在问题的改善有明显效果。 
关键词:  深冷法制氮  双塔精馏  响应面分析  中心复合旋转设计(CCRD)  HYSYS模拟
Optimization of nitrogen production process by cryogenic air separation in an oil field
Zhang Tao, Ma Guoguang, Leng Nanjiang, Peng Hao, Xiong Zuoshuai, Lei Yang, Chen Yuting
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Development Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective The nitrogen production process by cryogenic air separation to obtain nitrogen for nitrogen injection and oil displacement is used in a large oil field. In order to improve the problems of high specific power consumption and low nitrogen yield, central composite rotation design(CCRD) response surface analysis method is used to optimize the production operation parameters. Methods The nitrogen production process by cryogenic air separation based on HYSYS software is established and a single factor analysis on the key operating parameters in the process is made. Therefore, the optimized value range of each parameter is established, and the CCRD response surface analysis method is used to optimize the parameters in the range. Results With the goal of minimizing the specific power consumption of the process, by using the best combination of process operation parameters, the nitrogen output of the optimized process increased by 9.68% from 16 905 m3/h to 18 541 m3/h; The oxygen molar content in nitrogen decreased by 7.7% from 0.000 26% to 0.000 24%; The nitrogen yield increased by 9.63% from 70.92% to 77.75%; The specific power consumption decreased by 7.69% from 0.374 5 kW·h/m3 to 0.345 7 kW·h/m3. Conclusion The optimization of production operation parameters by CCRD response surface method has a significant effect on the improvement of existing problems.
Key words:  cryogenic nitrogen production  double-tower distillation  response surface analysis  central composite rotation design(CCRD)  HYSYS simulation