引用本文:付云,宁永庚,杜君,张伟森,陆原,罗厚勇,等. 绥中36-1油田A油藏生物竞争排斥技术治理下H2S主控因素及机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 91-96, 103.
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1.中海油能源发展股份有限公司工程技术分公司 ;2.中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司辽东作业公司 ;3.中海油(天津)油田化工有限公司;4.西北大学地质学系
目的 绥中36-1油田A油藏采用生物竞争排斥技术治理因注入海水引入硫酸盐还原菌(SRB)而产生的H2S,以油藏为研究对象,进行了H2S生长主控因素和机理研究。方法 选取油藏典型油井考查其停药期间不同油井的H2S含量、硫化物含量、微生物含量,观察SRB生长曲线规律,对H2S生长主控因素和机理进行研究。结果 生物竞争排斥法能够抑制SRB生长,单井H2S质量浓度降至30 mg/m3以下。停药期间,油藏H2S生长趋势符合Compertz模型,单井A1、A4、A17、A20、A22模型拟合度在0.8以上,方差的统计量较高,显著性为0.001~0.002。结论 H2S不受油藏生产动态的控制,海水提供了丰富的SO2-4营养源,绥中36-1油田A油藏H2S生长的主控因素为油藏中的SO2-4含量。该油藏已经形成了非常稳定的生态菌群,稳定的生态系统能自动消除外部引入的硫酸盐,从而系统地控制H2S的生长。 
关键词:  H2S  SRB  生长曲线  生物竞争排斥法  主控因素
Study on the main controlling factors and mechanism of H2S under the bio-competitive exclusion technology in reservoir A of Suizhong 36-1 oilfield
Fu Yun1, Ning Yonggeng2, Du Jun2, Zhang Weisen1, Lu Yuan3, Luo Houyong4, Du Yuxin1
1. Cnooc Energy Development Co., Ltd. Engineering Technology Branch, Tianjin, China;2. Liaodong Operating Company, Tianjin Branch of Cnooc (China) Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China;3. CenerTech Oilfield Chemical Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China;4. Department of Geology, Northwestern University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Objective In Suizhong 36-1 reservoir A, bio-competitive exclusion technology was used to treat hydrogen sulfide produced by sulfate-reducing bacteria introduced by seawater injection. Taking the reservoir as the research object, the main controlling factors and mechanism of H2S growth are studied. Methods The typical oil wells in the reservoir were selected to investigate the hydrogen sulfide content, sulfide content and microbial content of different oil wells during the withdrawal period. The growth curve of SRB was observed, and the main controlling factors and mechanism of H2S growth were studied. Results The bio-competitive exclusion method could inhibit the growth of SRB and the H2S concentration of all single wells was reduced to below 30 mg/m3. During the drug withdrawal period, the growth trend of H2S in the reservoir conformed to the Compertz model. The single well A01, A04, A17, A20, and A22 models had a fitting degree above 0.8, and statistics of variancethe was high, and the significance was between 0.001 and 0.002. Conclusion H2S is not controlled by reservoir production dynamics, seawater provides a rich source of sulfate nutrients, and the main controlling factor for H2S growth in reservoir A of Suizhong 36-1 oilfield is the sulfate ion content in the reservoir. The reservoir has formed a very stable ecological flora, and the stable ecosystem can automatically eliminate the sulfate introduced from the outside, thereby systematically controlling the growth of H2S.
Key words:  H2S  SRB  growth curve  bio-competitive exclusion method  main controlling factor