引用本文:李志昂,王成然,王凯,刘仁红,王星,袁礼. 基于色谱法校正因子测定氢气中微量氩杂质方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 109-116.
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目的 助力我国氢能产业发展以及提升行业氢气质量,解决氢气质量分析方法中因氧、氩难以有效分离而导致氩杂质定量困难的技术问题。方法 建立了基于色谱法校正因子准确测定氢气中微量氩杂质的分析方法,首先通过自主研制的氢中氩和氢中氧气体标准物质建立氦离子化气相色谱分析方法,研究氧气和氩气在氦离子化气相色谱仪上的校正因子,建立氧气和氩气的响应关系,并对响应关系进行长期稳定性考查,然后通过微量氧分析仪单独测定氢气中的氧杂质含量。结果 依据氧、氩的响应关系准确测定氢气中氩杂质含量。结论 首次提出了氦离子化气相色谱法联合电化学法测定氢气中氩气杂质分析方法。该方法原理简单、可操作性强、测定范围宽,弥补了氢能产业发展中氩杂质分析方法的不足,在氢气质量分析中具有较好的应用前景。 
关键词:  氢能  氢气质量  校正因子  氩杂质  氦离子化气相色谱法
Determination of trace argon impurity in hydrogen based on chromatographic correction factor
Li Zhiang, Wang Chengran, Wang Kai, Liu Renhong, Wang Xing, Yuan Li
National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective sThe study aims to facilitate China's hydrogen energy industry and improve the quality of hydrogen, as well as solving the technical problem of argon impurity quantification due to the difficulty of effective separation of oxygen and argon in hydrogen quality analysis method. Methods An analytical method for accurate determination of trace argon impurity in hydrogen based on chromatographic correction factor is established. Firstly, the helium ionization gas chromatographic method is established through the self-prepared reference materials of argon in hydrogen and oxygen in hydrogen, along with the correction factors of oxygen and argon on the helium ionization gas chromatograph are researched; Secondly, the response relationship between oxygen and argon is calculated, while the long-term stability of which is investigated; Thirdly, by using the micro oxygen analyzer, the oxygen impurity content in hydrogen is measured. Results The argon impurity content in hydrogen is accurately determined according to the response relationship between oxygen and argon. Conclusion sA new method combined helium ionization gas chromatography with electrochemical method is first proposed for the determination of trace argon impurity in hydrogen. It provides the guarantee on the accuracy data of argon content in hydrogen with the advantages of simplicity, strong operability and wide determination range, making up for the deficiency of argon impurity analysis method. Furthermore, the application of this method has great potential on the evaluation of the hydrogen quality.
Key words:  hydrogen energy  hydrogen quality  correction factor  argon impurity  helium ionization gas chromatography