引用本文:张炜,戴志向,夏太武,王飞,王峰,陈墨. 燃气管道埋地阀井智能监控技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2022, 51(6): 132-138, 146.
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目的 城市燃气管网中阀井在燃气管网适应性分析、管网泄漏报警和应急抢险等方面起着举足轻重的作用,然而传统城镇阀井还不能满足管网流量计量、管道安全监控报警及管网参数收集等生产需求。该研究旨在扩展传统阀井的功能,提高设备生产能力。方法 在传统阀井设计的基础上,结合生产需求,提出了一种兼具流量计量、信息采集、气体浓度检测等功能的阀井紧急切断阀。同时为解决对阀井实时监控、数据采集、故障报警、阀位显示、远程切断操作等难题,在结合SCADA系统的基础上,提出了一种阀井信息采控一体化设备。结果 该设备具有切断阀位显示、切断远程控制、泄漏报警、液位报警、数据采集等功能。结论 依托互联网和大数据平台,采用该阀井一体化设备可实现对城市管网进行远程化和智能化管理。 
关键词:  埋地阀井  窄带物联网  远程控制  数据采集与监视控制系统  智能化
Research on intelligent monitoring technology for buried valve well of gas pipeline
Zhang Wei1, Dai Zhixiang1, Xia Taiwu1, Wang Fei2, Wang Feng1, Chen Mo1
1.Research Institute of Natural Gas Gathering and Transmission Engineering Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Pipeline Management Department of PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Objective Valve wells in urban gas pipeline network play an important role in adaptability analysis of gas pipeline network, pipeline leakage alarm and emergency rescue. However, the traditional urban valve wells can not satisfy the needs for pipeline flow measurement, pipeline safety monitoring alarm and pipeline parameters collection. Therefore, this study aims to enrich the functions of traditional valve wells and improve the production capacity of the equipment. Methods Based on the traditional valve well design and combined with the production requirements, this paper proposed a valve well emergency shut-off valve with the functions of flow measurement, information collection, gas concentration detection and so on. Meanwhile, in order to solve the challenges of real-time monitoring, data acquisition, fault alarm, valve position display as well as remote cut-off operation, a valve well information acquisition and control integrated equipment on the basis of SCADA was also introduced in the study. Results The developed equipment was shown to have the functions of shut-off valve position display, shut-off remote control, leakage alarm, liquid level alarm, data collection and so on. Conclusion sRelying on the Internet and big data platform, the integrated equipment in valve well can realize the remote and intelligent management of urban pipe network.
Key words:  buried valve well  NB-iot  remote control  SCADA  intellectualization