引用本文:周微,纪文,李佳忆,刘毅,赵靓. 天然气净化厂余压发电项目温室气体减排潜力研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2023, 52(1): 50-53.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司安全环保与技术监督研究院 ;2.国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心 ;3.国家管网集团西南管道有限责任公司贵州省管网有限公司
目的 以西南油气田公司天然气净化总厂引进分厂的天然气余压发电项目为例,分析了天然气余压发电项目减少温室气体排放的潜力。方法 利用温室气体国家核证自愿减排量(CCER)方法学CMS-025-V01废能(废气/废热/废压)回收利用,分析天然气余压发电不同工况下的温室气体排放量。结果 利用天然气余压发电,预计最高每年发电量为418.73×104 kW·h,最高每年温室气体减排量为2 393 t。结论 天然气净化厂余压发电项目既能对净化厂生产提供电力供应,又能减少能源消耗和温室气体排放。 
关键词:  天然气净化厂  余压发电  国家核证自愿减排量(CCER)  温室气体减排  方法学 
Study on the potential of greenhouse gas emission reduction of natural gas purification plant residual pressure power generation project
Zhou Wei1,2, Ji Wen1,2, Li Jiayi3, Liu Yi1,2, Zhao Liang1,2
1. Safety, Environment and Technology Supervision Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2.National Energy R&D Center of High-Sulfur Gas Reservoir Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Pipeline Co., Ltd. of Guizhou Province, PipeChina Southwest Pipeline Co., Ltd, Guiyang, Guizhou, China
Objective The potential of greenhouse gas emission reduction is analyzed for the natural gas residual pressure power generation project of the natural gas purification plant of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company. Methods The greenhouse gas emission is analyzed for the natural gas residual pressure power generation in different work conditions by using CMS-025-V01 waste energy recycling (waste gas/waste heat/waste pressure) , which is one of Chinese certified emission reduction(CCER) methodology. Results Based on natural gas residual pressure power generation, the maximum annual power generation is expected to be 4.187 3 million kW·h and the maximum annual greenhouse gas emission reduction is 2 393 t. Conclusion sThe natural gas purification plant residual pressure power generation project can not only provide power supply for the purification plant, but also reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Key words:  natural gas purification plant  residual pressure power generation  Chinese certified emission reduction(CCER)  greenhouse gas emission reduction  methodology